Monday, March 10, 2014

Ghost Riders

Obvious to us that the missing & debris-less Malaysian Airlines aircraft encountered an extraterrestrial object (not the mere unidentified light in the sky that almost all U.F."O."s are) attempted to turn (left) away from it & was sucked into it.

Unless Atlanteans, Lemurians (or both) decided to drag it under the water whole.

C'mon, you have a better explanation? (Spare us "terrorism." All so-called [by corporate-run media] acts of terrorism are false-flag operations, planned if not carried out by government/corporate security entities.) Passports? How else can Lemurians get passports but by stealing them?


Weird Dave said...

Makes perfect sense to me.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The passengers and crew are all being trained on Triskelion.

Sirius Lunacy said...

Obviously, due to global warming, the Devil's Triangle has been displaced to the other side of the world.

M. Bouffant said...

Lost at Sea Editor:
I almost threw the Bermuda triangle in; good thing I left some room.