Monday, March 17, 2014

Ahhh, Not A Dream

Yeah, I felt it, about two hrs. after losing consciousness; woke up & promptly returned to sleep because who fucking cares about any plate activity under an eight that isn't centered 100 ft. or less directly below one?

This in no way means that you or anyone like you should not be so scared of the very earth moving beneath your feet that you'll move here. Don't, because the fucking earth moves beneath your feet here!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Hey Joe...

Glennis said...

Yeah, it was kinda shocking, but then it was over, and we just sat there a little going - should I go outside? No, what the heck for?

I think our house, being post-and-beam construction, is pretty flexible and forgiving. In any case, not a single items was dislodged; not a picture crooked on the wall, not a glass off the shelf, not a book fallen down.

It scared the dog, though.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

sure, but someday you will be begging us to send you the water from the Great Lakes.

And we will LAUGH and LAUGH....

M. Bouffant said...

20 Yrs. & Counting Editor:
I think the zombie would tell you a single-story wood-frame structure or a skyscraper on rollers are the safest bldgs. during quakes.

Canada-tainted water? I think not. (You wouldn't believe what they do to the Pacific.)