Nasa's Curiosity rover has found soil on Mars to be similar to Hawaii's after sifting and scanning its first sample on the Red Planet.
As had been theorised, much of the sample is made of weathered "basaltic" materials of volcanic origin, like that seen on the islands of Hawaii.
The sample seems to contain dust carried from afar by Mars' global-scale storms, as well as coarser sand of more local provenance.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Proof The Prez Is From Mars
M. Bouffant
Per the BBC, & if you're still naive enough to believe Obummer was born in Hawai'i.
BOO! Who? Hoo! Haw!
M. Bouffant
The entire disc, just for your stupid party. Don't get so drunk that you drown yourself bobbing for apples.
In The Wings: Commercial Christmas
M. Bouffant
Brace yourselves: Plastic/Resin Shopping Mall Santa is about to be released from jail (probation violation) & inflicted on you again.Some may remember when Xmas waited until after Thanksgiving.
From Winter Wonderland we crawl back through time to Fall Festival.
Bonus: Saw Richard "Dickie" Smothers w/ a couple bottle blonds some 20 yrs. younger than he near Santa's shack. No picture because we aren't that much of a jerk.
Being built by elf slave labor. |
Nobody home. |
Boo, As If We Care
M. Bouffant
Illustrated un-embedable version.
Sez here that King Horror was/wasn't Laurel Aitken. And this number was suggested there, for the screaming.Skins pictured here are rather frightening.
Sez here that King Horror was/wasn't Laurel Aitken. And this number was suggested there, for the screaming.Skins pictured here are rather frightening.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
House Of Whore Roar
M. Bouffant
Good thing Hallowe'en comes so close to Election Day; what the hell would the dying art of political cartooning do w/o it?
The image really is worth 1,000 words.
The image really is worth 1,000 words.
Photographer's Rights Up-Date
M. Bouffant
We aren't the only one feeling the boot of free-speech suppression. At least we weren't dealing w/ pin-dicked rent-a-cops w/ their sticks, Mace® & guns.
A film crew was there too, shooting this little car on Grand Avenue in front of the hall. Devol says he would have been happy to just shoot the building. But then the crew tried to bully him, and had a guard threaten arrest if he kept taking pictures. So he posted pics of the car and the guys to Flickr.Fucking pathetic when someone needs to carry a concealed weapon to assure themselves of the right to shoot. (Pictures.) Know your rights & use them!
Taking pictures on a public street in Los Angeles — of anything visible, as far as I know — is not a law enforcement issue or suspicious activity. Publishing a picture online — now that could get you sued.
Natural Disaster Report
M. Bouffant
Decadent East-of-the-Rockies residents, we are unimpressed by your mere wind &/or water tornadoes & hurricanes. Get back to us when the earth itself (volcanoes, earthquakes) rises against you. Or when dirt & rocks drop on you from the sky in the form of asteroids or comets. Neither of which can arrive soon enough.
Also, we piss on your graves.
Also, we piss on your graves.
Monday, October 29, 2012
The Telephone Is Ringing
M. Bouffant
Hey, this is fun. (510) 545-6722 called us, but hung up after one ring. Apparently it's some fucking pest who asks if Jessica's there, per here & here.
Luckily we're in a relatively good mood, but the possibility of that number being called at an inconvenient hr. & abused w/in an inch of its sad empty life may be greater the closer we come to an inconvenient hr. How much of our laundry money would it take to call Oaktown from a pay 'phone here? Might just be worth it.
Even more fun would be had if there's a reverse 'phone book on the Internet we could use to get a physical address for those seeking Jessica. You call us uninvited, we break your fucking window. (Luckily for whoever, there's no free service that we could find before we got bored.)
Luckily we're in a relatively good mood, but the possibility of that number being called at an inconvenient hr. & abused w/in an inch of its sad empty life may be greater the closer we come to an inconvenient hr. How much of our laundry money would it take to call Oaktown from a pay 'phone here? Might just be worth it.
Even more fun would be had if there's a reverse 'phone book on the Internet we could use to get a physical address for those seeking Jessica. You call us uninvited, we break your fucking window. (Luckily for whoever, there's no free service that we could find before we got bored.)
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Pathetic Putzes Post Putrid Clichés
M. Bouffant
Beer & cigarettes good, wine & race-mixing bad, per Asshole A, via Asshole B. (Your personal rankings may differ.)
Same lame crap one drone or another comes up w/ for every World Series. A-hole Dan Shaughnessy sez:
D-list B-hole Matt Lewis types:
Speaking of the evil that is Europe, Giant manager Bruce Bochy was born in France. The end will never be heard, even if his U.S. Army officer father soon returned to the United Snakes & Bochy was raised in Virginia & Florida.
Matt Lewis & The News (Not a sucky joke. That's what it says, right there at the Daily Dungpile.) wrapping it all up:
We should note that wine never stains our lips, we're smoking a real cigarette (Not Marlboros w/ their fairy filters, Jim Leyland.) as this is typed, & know that "race" is racist bullshit. Note also that afterthreefour innings it's Giants 2, Tigers 0. Heh indeed, sad East Coast hacks.
Addenda (2222PDT 27 October 2012): LG&M also on the case; interesting rebuttals of certain Matt Lewis claims in the comments.
Same lame crap one drone or another comes up w/ for every World Series. A-hole Dan Shaughnessy sez:
And so we are done with cool and hip for a while. No more kayaks bobbing in McCovey Cove beyond the right-field wall at AT&T Park. No more panda heads looming hilariously behind the on-deck circle when Pablo Sandoval comes to the plate. No more Willie Mays riding on a golf cart like he’s Ted Williams or the Pope. No more flowers in the hair of granola-sprinkled fans. No more sweet smell of weed wafting from the crowd.Fuck you. What tired bullshit, especially that Ku Klux Klan stuff. Die in a fire, already. Also: More deserving of a ride in a golf cart, Willie Mays or big-time asshole Ted Williams? And the Pope? The Chief Fucking Pervert? Let him walk too, so someone can take a well-deserved shot at him outside of his perv-protecting bubble. BANG!
San Francisco is European. It’s where white people and black people mingle and nobody makes a big deal of it. It’s where folks are polite at a four-way stop. You go. No, you go. We are all Tony Bennett. We all left our heart there.
D-list B-hole Matt Lewis types:
I don’t mind the beards, but the Boston Globe’s Dan Shaughnessy inadvertently does a good job summing up why every patriotic traditional conservative ought to be rooting for MoTown to make a comeback:Inadvertently? No right-wing compensation axe to grind there, Danny boy? And what does that last sentence mean? Any connection to be made there, beyond "you hard-working stiffs better produce like hell for your bosses & take a pay cut or your job's going to China?" You know, "patriotic traditional conservative" values. Romney's values. Profit before people, & so on. (Who told them to breed like fucking animals until they had a large family they couldn't support on the shit wages their bosses begrudge them, anyway?)
Detroit has real people who work hard for their money and cherish their jobs. Detroit loves hockey. Detroit loves to buy American. Detroiters like their boats and their beers. You do not ask to see the wine list in the bars around Comerica Park. Pabst Blue Ribbon, please. Tall boys.
I love the Tigers. Best uniforms in the sport. They have Al Kaline and Willie Horton sitting in the dugout before games. They have a 67-year-old manager who smokes Marlboro Reds in the dugout and wears cleats when he puts his feet up on his desk in his office.
[Detroit manager] Jim Leyland is from Perrysburg, Ohio. He reminds his players that they need to run out ground balls because a fan in the stands might be trying to feed a family of five and worrying about job security.
Speaking of the evil that is Europe, Giant manager Bruce Bochy was born in France. The end will never be heard, even if his U.S. Army officer father soon returned to the United Snakes & Bochy was raised in Virginia & Florida.
Matt Lewis & The News (Not a sucky joke. That's what it says, right there at the Daily Dungpile.) wrapping it all up:
Come to think of it, unless you’re from the Bay Area, it’s really hard to imagine why anyone wouldn’t be rooting for the Tigers this year.Bullshit. Real Americans root for the National League team (Unless the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim or Oakland Athletics of Oaktown are competing. California rules, except fuck the Padres & the Catholic/Spanish imperialism crap they trade in.) because American League ball is sissy ball, w/ that designated hitter crap. Where's the "tradition" in that, pindicks?
We should note that wine never stains our lips, we're smoking a real cigarette (Not Marlboros w/ their fairy filters, Jim Leyland.) as this is typed, & know that "race" is racist bullshit. Note also that after
Addenda (2222PDT 27 October 2012): LG&M also on the case; interesting rebuttals of certain Matt Lewis claims in the comments.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Big Game Result
M. Bouffant
E.L.A. Classic: Garfield Bulldogs 7, Roosevelt Rough Riders 0.
Jerks In The Box
M. Bouffant
Several hundred words' worth w/ which you needn't arse yourself. Think those are penis noses by accident?
Lip Reading Round-Up
M. Bouffant
A gallery of book covers (89 of them.) about the you-know-who in the woodpileWhite House. A sample:Most interesting/telling? Surprise, surprise, the only male authors shown on the covers of their tripe are well-known-to-the-cretin-population egomaniac television & radio host Sean Hannity, failed television host who still has a radio gig Michael "Savage," & egomaniac grifter/serial adulterer Newt Gingrich*. Of the female authors, bottle-blonds Laura Ingrahm, Monica Crowley & Ann Coulter, & one woman who isn't a bottle blond, Deneen Borelli, appear on the covers of their screeds. Oddly, female typist Phyllis Schlafly is not pictured on the front of her book. Nor is Pamela Geller, who may have realized she's a bit past her sell-by date.
*Newt, as all of America knows, is the smartest guy in the room, yet not a malignant narcissist. Compare & contrast w/ Obama, whose "sense of intellectual self-importance, that he is smarter than anybody else in the room, is now only believed by himself and a shrinking number of media acolytes." (Quote from Nobama, on the left, second row from the bottom.) Funny how that works, innit?
*Newt, as all of America knows, is the smartest guy in the room, yet not a malignant narcissist. Compare & contrast w/ Obama, whose "sense of intellectual self-importance, that he is smarter than anybody else in the room, is now only believed by himself and a shrinking number of media acolytes." (Quote from Nobama, on the left, second row from the bottom.) Funny how that works, innit?
Huntin' & Fishin' News
M. Bouffant
And dumb as a post. Jesus sure loved his Mossberg, didn't he?
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Idle & Juvenile Speculation
M. Bouffant
Just us, or does the bottle-blond woman playing Jack's cousin-in-law in this advert bear more than a passing resemblance to a certain Mrs. Willard Mitt Romney?And just for the hell of it, a couple we haven't seen on the telly. Apparently Jack figures it's worthwhile to mock Philadelphians.We're inclined to agree. Of course Jack in the Pants is based in San Di-fucking-ego, so they should talk.Not the first time they've tried it, either. Two yrs. ago, same shit, different bread: Americans have no memory, do they?
Credit, as due.
Credit, as due.
Follow Up-Date Correction
M. Bouffant
Or something, sort of. We guess.
Some top-o'-the-worlders (Lonely up there, innit?) doing in-depth (Internet) research bring to our attention that this item may be bull.
What. Ever.
Some top-o'-the-worlders (Lonely up there, innit?) doing in-depth (Internet) research bring to our attention that this item may be bull.
What. Ever.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Michelle Malkin's Fashion Report
M. Bouffant
Well-dressed & entirely rational, not in the least bit absurdly paranoid conservative cheerleader Michelle Malkin has the scoop: It's a fashionista conspiracy!
You can also imagine the incredible "pressure" being applied:
See how far up Mitt Romney's ass the stick goes at the photo source.
We're much too lazy to do a 180° treatment of that paragraph (Substituting "armament industry" for fashion designers, Romney for Obama, lib for con, yada.) but certainly you can imagine.Talk about wearing your politics on your sleeve. An elitist clique of fashion designers has banded together to raise money for celebrity-in-chief Barack Obama and browbeat their customers into supporting him. Even worse, the Beautiful People who dress the Powerful People are putting increased pressure on conservatives to stay out of the business altogether.
Out: Haute couture. In: Hate couture.
You can also imagine the incredible "pressure" being applied:
Wow. Not sure pressure is a strong enough word. Fortunately Malkin found someone (Pro-Romney because he doesn't like to pay taxes or a living wage to women indentured in his sweatshops? Who knows?) to reveal that it's not mere pressure but a threat! And to do a 180 that reveals where the true attacks on women come from.Diane von Furstenberg pitched in two $85 tote bags and has grown more strident about her partisan agenda as Election Day nears. At a fashion event in her New York Meatpacking District store last month, she yelled at clients: "Everyone here better be a Democrat; no Republicans!"
As far as we can determine the real conspiracy here was making Ann Romney appear as if she's a blind woman who lets a six-yr. old Disney Princess fan choose her clothes.Young New York City designer Bradley Scott also spoke up against ideological "persecution" in his industry. "It's really offensive for me, as a designer, to be issued an unveiled threat by someone who could exert an enormous amount of influence over my customers, store buyers and magazine editors," he told me on Tuesday. "I for one want absolutely nothing to do with this attack on women. This pressure upon designers should offend every woman in this country, not just the conservatives."
![]() |
Richard Perry/The New York Times Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, left, made cherry pies with Linda Hundt, the owner of Sweetie-licious Bakery Cafe in DeWitt, Mich., during a campaign stop in June. |
Not Caring ...
M. Bouffant
... About: trailers for Iron Man 3 or The Hobbit ... pointless elections ... anyone getting divorced, ever ... narrative ... your (or anyone's) pathetic "feelings" ... your sad-assed "laws" ... TPMPrime, whatever in hell that is ... the NHL(?) lockout ... food ... drink ... Facebook ... Iran getting nuclear weapons ... recommendations from Amazon ... morons, cretins, dupes & dopes ... reading, 'riting & 'rithmetic ... veterans & the currently serving (you made your bed now go lie in it) ... gas prices ... underwear ... the living &/or the dead (It's so hard to tell w/ most of them.) ... cardboard ... Lance fucking Armstrong ... murder convictions ... good taste ... jobs ... newspaper endorsements ... Windows 8 ... weekends ... Israel ... you, everybody like you, & the horses you all rode in on ... Arianna Huffington's new hip ... breathing ... video games ... staying awake ... sleeping ... "home"-owners & their fucking problems ... climate change ... analysis (political & psychiatric) ... the center ... the base ... mobile 'phone contracts ... momentum (remember "traction?") ... anything ... bath salts ... cleanliness ... holidays ... bodies in the streets ... red ink ... black ink ... invisible ink ... Ohio ... declining Hulu viewership ... Syria ... everything ...
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Unidentified Drifting Object
M. Bouffant
Here is a thing which was in the sky as we shot (But not w/ bullets, damnit!) those fucks below.300, 400 ft. up, maybe. No fucking idea what it is. Advertising crap that got loose?
The Almost Tragedy (For Them)
Of The Commons
M. Bouffant
Walking through Pan-Pacific Park today we were asked not to walk on a very public path by students (we'll guess) shooting some shit. Making demands (ridiculous or otherwise) of us is never a good idea, as we are in a state of rage 24/7 (To the point of grinding our remaining teeth as we sleep, we so want to lash out!) but even though we hadn't yet breakfasted, making us even crankier than usual, we complied & wandered a different path, to the hill above where these twerps were shooting. Looking down on them (in every sense of the phrase) we had the inspiration that a shot or two of them could be slightly more interesting than the other crap we'd already shot, so we took a picture.Then this little fuckface, a future 3nd AD/extra wrangler (if he's lucky & sucks enough dick to get into show biz) waved at us to stop taking pictures of them.Hah! We advised him to go to hell & flipped him off. When he got closer we said "Fuck you," inquired if he had a permit to be shooting (Why else would he care that we we were taking pictures?) & telling people where the hell they could & couldn't walk, & asked him to consider the hypocrisy of attempting to violate our right to photograph in a public place even as he was fucking doing it. Should've switched to video & recorded it all, but sometimes rage just consumes one.
Being outnumbered & not desiring our head to explode what w/ our high blood pressure (Is it any damn wonder we're constantly on the verge of exploding like a supernova when scum like this wander the streets unimpeded?) we quit the verbal abuse & decided against pushing him & the two other student jerks who came after him down the fucking hill, & eventually wandered away, after a couple more "Fuck yous" & fingers. They have no idea how close they came to feeling the malignant wrath of Bouffant.
Being outnumbered & not desiring our head to explode what w/ our high blood pressure (Is it any damn wonder we're constantly on the verge of exploding like a supernova when scum like this wander the streets unimpeded?) we quit the verbal abuse & decided against pushing him & the two other student jerks who came after him down the fucking hill, & eventually wandered away, after a couple more "Fuck yous" & fingers. They have no idea how close they came to feeling the malignant wrath of Bouffant.
Monday, October 22, 2012
The Faces Of Evil
M. Bouffant
Photo: Mitt Romney relaxes with family backstage before debate - via @dgjackson
What kind of bizarre freaks have pictures of themselves put on the walls backstage before a Presidential debate?Not to mention the excess of grandchildren. These entitled Mormon fucks should stop spawning little resource consumers who will take much more than their share of everything & ruin the planet for the rest of us. Wait'll you get your own planet & car elevator beyond the grave, you fucking jerks.
Random Threats
M. Bouffant
If we hear Alicia Keyes screeching (Shrieking?) "This girl's on fi-yah!" in that fucking ShittyBank commercial w/ the guy who was dumped for being boring one more time, she will be on literal fire.
Foiled Again
M. Bouffant
We were gong to note how appropriate it is to have the third & final Sacks of Presidential Shit debate in Florida's Boca Raton, as we were laboring under the impression that Boca Raton translates as Mouse/Rat Mouth, but the usual cursory search reveals that's not the actual origin of the name, so fuck it.
We'll be watching the beisbol game anyway, because we are a real American.
Speaking of coverage of the national pastime, sideline/dugout/whatever reporter Erin Andrews, isn't FOX Sports paying you enough that you could hire a voice coach? Jesus fucking goddam Christ, you sound like a 'tween being strangled. Of course FOX Sports hired you w/o insisting that you learn how to speak as if you'd actually finished puberty, so they're as much to blame. Just as w/ FOX News, apparently all it takes is a bottle of hair color.
We'll be watching the beisbol game anyway, because we are a real American.
Speaking of coverage of the national pastime, sideline/dugout/whatever reporter Erin Andrews, isn't FOX Sports paying you enough that you could hire a voice coach? Jesus fucking goddam Christ, you sound like a 'tween being strangled. Of course FOX Sports hired you w/o insisting that you learn how to speak as if you'd actually finished puberty, so they're as much to blame. Just as w/ FOX News, apparently all it takes is a bottle of hair color.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Only In These United Snakes
M. Bouffant
Or should that be United Skunks?
FREEDOM, Pa. (AP) — Police say a costumed 9-year-old girl was accidentally shot outside a western Pennsylvania home during a Halloween party by a relative who thought she was a skunk.
New Sewickley Township police say the girl was over a hillside and wearing a black costume and a black hat with a white tassel. Chief Ronald Leindecker says a male relative mistook her for a skunk and fired a shotgun, hitting her in the shoulder Saturday night.
Leindecker tells the Beaver County Times that the girl was alert and talking when she was flown to a hospital in Pittsburgh, about 30 miles away. Her condition was unavailable.
Leindecker says the man hadn't been drinking and he doesn't know whether charges will be filed.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
M. Bouffant
From the Police Blotter, "sharp object" violence at a restaurant ten or so blocks from our bunker. This is a photo (1 October 2012) of an A.C. unit working hard at the HoJo Hotel on the southwest corner of the intersection, directly across the street from the crime scene on the southeast corner.Next time get guns & gas, you two fucking losers. This is high-tech America, not some developing country shit-hole!
Thank You, TG!
M. Bouffant
An item from Just Another Blog™ linked!
Catch fellow Californian Tengrain chez lui, where, for someone who (unlike us) appears to have a "real world" job, he cranks out a hell of a lot of content (& quality) every day.
And thanks to Aunt Snow for bringing our 15 secs. of fame to our attention. Are we gracious or what?
Catch fellow Californian Tengrain chez lui, where, for someone who (unlike us) appears to have a "real world" job, he cranks out a hell of a lot of content (& quality) every day.
And thanks to Aunt Snow for bringing our 15 secs. of fame to our attention. Are we gracious or what?
Quote Of The Day (44 Yrs. Ago)
M. Bouffant
TNR doesn't give the date, but we'll assume it was after Kuchel's primary loss in 1968. Anyway, from the plus ça change ... file:dead as a fucking doorknoblate mother was a volunteer in Rafferty's 1962 campaign, & there exists somewhere (Maybe.) a photograph of physically violent asshole Rafferty
Added value! Cast-autographing song:"I hope you heal up real quick!"
When conservatives defeated moderate California Senator Thomas Kuchel, he lashed out at what he called a “fanatical neo-fascist political cult” in the grips of a “strange mixture of corrosive hatred and sickening fear.”And something interesting we didn't know:
Full disclosure (as if it means a damn thing): OurWhile Kuchel was campaigning against Goldwater, there circulated a "vicious document" that purported to be an affidavit signed by a Los Angeles police officer, saying that in 1949 he had arrested Kuchel. The document said the arrest was for drunkenness while Kuchel had been in the midst of a sex act. Four men were indicted for the libel: Norman H. Krause, bar owner and ex-Los Angeles policeman, who in 1950 did arrest two people who worked in Kuchel's office for drunkenness; Jack D. Clemmons, a Los Angeles police sergeant until his resignation two weeks before his arrest; John F. Fergus, a public relations man for Eversharp, Inc., who in 1947 was charged with possession of a concealed weapon and given a suspended sentence, and Francis A. Capell of Zarephath, New Jersey, the publisher of a right wing newsletter.
Kuchel was narrowly defeated in the Republican primary in 1968 by conservative state Superintendent of Public Instruction Max Rafferty, who went on to lose the general election to Alan Cranston, the former state Controller, a position once held by Kuchel himself.
autographing the cast on this at the time eight-yr. old reporter's broken right arm in the San Mateo Rafferty office.(While an undergraduate at UCLA, Rafferty "took umbrage at many of the things" in the college newspaper, the Daily Bruin, "particularly the editorial page," editor Stanley Rubin recalled in 1970, "to the point of charging into the office and physically attacking me."[3] In 1937 Rafferty wrote a letter to the Los Angeles Times in which he described The Bruin as "one of the most prejudiced newspapers on the Pacific Coast" and complained that the Bruin's "radicalism is not so funny if it keeps you from getting a job."[4])
Added value! Cast-autographing song:"I hope you heal up real quick!"
Blogspot Evil-Doing News & The Usual Passive-Aggressive Death Threats/Not So Secret Desires
M. Bouffant
If you Bloggerers haven't noticed, you can again test-play embedded videos in Preview. Why that ever changed is beyond us, but we're merely human, not fascist-corporatist robot entrepreneurs.
And 'though we've sent several increasingly angry, rude & obscene feedbacks about having both the Compose & HTML fields visible at the same time (as of last night it was still driving us insane like a fork in the brain) we never moaned about videos not playing in Preview. It's as if they aren't even paying attention.
Boy howdy would we like to be in the same room as those two assholes Brin & Page for just a few minutes. Perhaps a bit of karma has been rendered, but that's about like us losing a buck fifty from our US$20.00 wad. We are reduced to hoping that one day while filthy communist Brin is enjoying himself parachuting (on our fucking dime) neither his main 'chute nor his reserve 'chute will open. SPLAT!
Or a whale will fucking eat him. (Google's fucking world-wide collection of server farms is probably releasing so much carbon dioxide evil his precious fucking whales will boil to death. Hypocrite.) Fingers crossed.
And 'though we've sent several increasingly angry, rude & obscene feedbacks about having both the Compose & HTML fields visible at the same time (as of last night it was still driving us insane like a fork in the brain) we never moaned about videos not playing in Preview. It's as if they aren't even paying attention.
Boy howdy would we like to be in the same room as those two assholes Brin & Page for just a few minutes. Perhaps a bit of karma has been rendered, but that's about like us losing a buck fifty from our US$20.00 wad. We are reduced to hoping that one day while filthy communist Brin is enjoying himself parachuting (on our fucking dime) neither his main 'chute nor his reserve 'chute will open. SPLAT!
Sergey Brin: Bound for mush, if we have anything to say about it. |
Beautiful Mind
M. Bouffant
(Or "B.M." Which. Ever.)
Here is a wonderful quote from the website of adulterous liar & hypocrite Dinesh D'Souza. Try not to hurt yourselves laughing & laughing & laughing.
How spectacular? We quote:
If we are to believe this D'Souza opus,
he & his skanky also-marriedgirlfriend"fianceé" will be directly responsible for the next terror attack or act of terrorism (You decide.) committed against his adopted country. Way to go, two-faced libertine asshole.
Special request going out to the chewed-up baseball head:Do it until his bobblehead fucking comes apart at the seams. Can his naturalization be revoked for moral turpitude & filthy degeneracy so we can ship his sorry chewed-up baseball of a head back to his motherland before the jihadis come to punish us again?
Someone rational watched chewed-up's movie, too. What a disgusting & incompetent shit-fest it is.
Here is a wonderful quote from the website of adulterous liar & hypocrite Dinesh D'Souza. Try not to hurt yourselves laughing & laughing & laughing.
“Atheists beware: this book contains incontrovertible evidence of a benevolent and omniscient Creator. What is that evidence? It is the spectacular mind of Dinesh D’Souza. Believing such a mind could be the product of random forces would take infinitely more faith than believing in unicorns and leprechauns. A triumphant tour de force.”That is one spectacular mind inside that "chewed up baseball head" of D'Souza's.
— ERIC METAXAS, New York Times bestselling author of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
How spectacular? We quote:
“I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced.”Has he noticed the Law of Gravity at work yet?
If we are to believe this D'Souza opus,
he & his skanky also-married
Special request going out to the chewed-up baseball head:Do it until his bobblehead fucking comes apart at the seams. Can his naturalization be revoked for moral turpitude & filthy degeneracy so we can ship his sorry chewed-up baseball of a head back to his motherland before the jihadis come to punish us again?
Someone rational watched chewed-up's movie, too. What a disgusting & incompetent shit-fest it is.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Shrinkage In The Tool Dep't.
M. Bouffant
We're running about 12 hrs. late on the reader, & don't know how much macho outrage this has generated, but it would appear that American manhood has been deflated just a bit more, as the last bastion of Yankee masculinity, the hardware store, is threatened by a bunch of California (Figures, doesn't it?) corporate fairies.
Shorter aisles, shorter ding-dongs: Can you feel it shrinking, dudes?California-based home and garden retailer Orchard Supply Hardware has gone to great lengths to cater to women like no other hardware store we know of. They paid attention to the details:
Lower shelving, clear directional signage, shorter aisles, and a "racetrack" design encourage a woman customer’s roam-and-explore shopping style
Color-coded "neighborhood" groupings: red for tools, green for outdoor, yellow for interiors and decor.
Mormon Dating & Marriage
M. Bouffant
Not sure how we missed this, but are there not laws about this sort of thing?
Maybe after Mitt outlaws abortion he'll repeal all those silly laws that say a guy can't marry just as many 14-yr. olds as he can get. And then he'll pardon Warren Jeffs.
Ann and Mitt got married four years to the day after their first date on March 21, when she was 15 and he was 18.Of course, who the hell knows what the statutory rape & child molestation laws are in Michigan? And many wealthy families are happy to whore their female children to wealthier families. Can't have them running off w/ the chauffeur, after all.
Maybe after Mitt outlaws abortion he'll repeal all those silly laws that say a guy can't marry just as many 14-yr. olds as he can get. And then he'll pardon Warren Jeffs.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
But How Does This Affect Megan McArdle?
M. Bouffant
Also, Mickey Kaus right?
Looks like Kaus may only be mostly wrong, not actually correct. We'd hate to see McArdle replace him at Tucker's repository of high-priced talent. She might not work as cheaply as he does.
P.P.S.: You think Barry Diller can afford to pay Howie Kurtz’s salary and Andrew Sullivan’s salary and Megan McArdle’s salary and Peter Boyer’s salary on the revenues from a website? I don’t. The market is about to be flooded with high-priced talent jumping ship, or being pushed. …Yes, it appears this Boyer person is already history. On the other hand, they wouldn't have stopped print-Newsweek if it were making money, would they? So if they've stopped the bleeding, maybe there'll be more or sufficient money to pay the remaining "high-priced talent."
Looks like Kaus may only be mostly wrong, not actually correct. We'd hate to see McArdle replace him at Tucker's repository of high-priced talent. She might not work as cheaply as he does.
Watching The Defective
M. Bouffant
The Obama advert narrated by Morgan Freeman has been played during the ALCS. Will advise if any Robo-Money ads appear, assuming we don't hit mute, ignore all the commercials & miss it.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Now What In Hell Are We
Supposed To Do?
M. Bouffant
Rain has halted Game 3 of the National League Championship Series and Game 4 of the American League Championship Series
Natural Woman
M. Bouffant
Eliminated from a second shot on Dancing w/ the Stars Bristol Palin on Jimmy Kimmel Live: A very tasteful orange color on her arms & fleshy legs. Regular make-up for her surgically altered face. Shouldn't these fucking Jesus freaks be happy w/ whatever their gawd gave them? What's it say about henna-ing one's hair in their Book of Lies?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
D'Souza's Doxy Denise
M. Bouffant
From our in case you missed her file, a girl who knows what she likes: A sugar daddy who pulls down US$10,000 per lecture on Xian morality, while sleazing around w/ skanks like her outside of his holy God-blessed marriage.
This hoor graduated high school ten yrs. ago. 52-yr. old Mr. D'Souza is old enough to be her father.
Who's "black ghetto society" now, Denise?
![]() |
Denise Odie Joseph II |
Who's "black ghetto society" now, Denise?
Another 50 Yrs. Of Shit Have Passed
M. Bouffant
And w/ their passing we mark a rounded anniv. of yet another something.
On October 15, the CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center reviewed the U-2 photographs and identified objects that they interpreted as medium range ballistic missiles. That evening, the CIA notified the Department of State and at 8:30 pm EDT, National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy elected to wait until morning to tell the President. Secretary of Defens Robert McNamara was briefed at midnight. The next morning, Bundy met with Kennedy and showed him the U-2 photographs and briefed him on the CIA's analysis of the images.Fuck Wikipedia, here's Chomsky:
Another candidate is October 26th. That day has been selected as “the most dangerous moment” by B-52 pilot Major Don Clawson, who piloted one of those NATO aircraft and provides a hair-raising description of details of the Chrome Dome (CD) missions during the crisis -- “B-52s on airborne alert” with nuclear weapons “on board and ready to use.” October 26th was the day when “the nation was closest to nuclear war,” he writes in his “irreverent anecdotes of an Air Force pilot,” Is That Something the Crew Should Know? On that day, Clawson himself was in a good position to set off a likely terminal cataclysm. He concludes, “We were damned lucky we didn’t blow up the world -- and no thanks to the political or military leadership of this country.”
Why Does Andrew Sullivan
Hate The Free Market?
M. Bouffant
Still bitching about NYC:
Christ. What. An. Asshole.
Again, more money. To do even the slightest thing, you get fleeced.Jesus, no shit? How fucking long has he lived in the United Snakes, & when will he notice things right under his nose?
Christ. What. An. Asshole.
Tom Petty Proved Wrong
M. Bouffant
Approximately 72 million people around the world were living as refugees in 2011, the Red Cross reports - @Reuters
Some 72 million people around the world had been driven from their homes by conflict, natural disasters or big development projects at the end of last year, the Red Cross reported on Tuesday.Our bold. Wait'll the natural disasters start increasing as the climate changes.
Monday, October 15, 2012
God Damn America!!
M. Bouffant
Fuck those two old whores from the Dreadful Grate (Lesh & Weir) who sang the National War Anthem, & that whore Lenny Williams, former Tower of Power vocalist, who sang "Gawd Bless America" to "honor America & our 'military troops' around the world." Fuck all three in the throat w/ a cheese grater so they can NEVER AGAIN use their voices to celebrate imperialism & murder. Sickening pukes. May their careers stay in the toilets in which they were forged.
Yes, the P.A. woman said "military troops" when she introduced whore Williams & "GBA." Redundant & retarded.
Yes, the P.A. woman said "military troops" when she introduced whore Williams & "GBA." Redundant & retarded.
Sickest Fucking Horseshit
You'll See Or Hear Today
M. Bouffant
A crazy Catholic fuck has put us on his ('cause you just know this is a one-man operation, except for his wife who probably does all the work) sucker list & keeps sending us crap like this:School dances! Women playing sports! Or going to college!! "Dads" just know! No daylight between this schmuck & any random lover of Sharia law, or the extra-fascist/patriarchal brand of Judaism practiced by the idjits who wear beanies all the time.
We quote: "College gives them a degree. Since most girls will marry and become mothers they don't need a degree."
We quote: "College gives them a degree. Since most girls will marry and become mothers they don't need a degree."
Something You Don't See Everyday
M. Bouffant
Show bidness: What now?Central Library on the left. From.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Sex & Religous Experience
In Puritan America
M. Bouffant
More therapy. Stat!
Screwed up in the head true crime (& now S-E-X) author Suzy Spencer ("a mostly celibate, middle-aged Southern Baptist with a self-described 'terror of touch'”):
Their religion has been debased from the already self-centered "personal relationship w/ Jesus" to a personal hallucination starring Ceiling Cat. How truly exceptional this fucking country is.
*We're not violent, but if you touch us we'll break your arm.
Screwed up in the head true crime (& now S-E-X) author Suzy Spencer ("a mostly celibate, middle-aged Southern Baptist with a self-described 'terror of touch'”):
Oh yes. One time when I was living in L.A. and I was having sex with this guy and I’m lying there looking at the ceiling and over to the right filling up practically the entire ceiling, just like Woody Allen in “New York Stories” with his mother filling up the New York skyline, I’m seeing my mother’s face and she’s so upset and saying, “This is wrong! How can you be doing this?” Then I look over to the left and in a teeny tiny corner of the ceiling there is God going, “It’s OK. I don’t like this, but I understand. It’s OK.” I’m still confused about premarital sex, whether it’s right or wrong, but I know God understands and it’s OK.We honestly don't mean to pick on this apparently-tortured-by-hallucinations-of-her-mother woman (Salon asked: "You start the book off by writing about your 'terror of touch*.' You hated to be tickled or even hugged as a child. You state flat-out that you don’t know whether this arose from abuse in your past, of which you have no memory, or whether you had simply been around so many people who had been molested that you 'absorbed' their feelings." Get that? "... simply been around so many people who had been molested that you 'absorbed' their feelings." All nice families, we assume.) but this is the nature of Southern Bab-tiss religion? A tiny, disapproving (Yet accepting. How morally relative.) hallucination in the corner of the ceiling? While "having sex?"
Their religion has been debased from the already self-centered "personal relationship w/ Jesus" to a personal hallucination starring Ceiling Cat. How truly exceptional this fucking country is.
*We're not violent, but if you touch us we'll break your arm.
Enough Circuses, Where's The Bread?
M. Bouffant
Local, their bold.
Here are the college football television listings:
Oklahoma at Texas. 9:00 a.m. ABC.
Auburn at Mississippi. 9:00 a.m. KDOC.
Kansas State at Iowa State. 9:00 a.m. FX.
Louisville at Pittsburgh. 9:00 a.m. ESPNU.
Iowa at Michigan State. 9:00 a.m. ESPN.
Northwestern at Minnesota. 9:00 a.m. ESPN2.
Alabama-Birmingham at Houston. 9:00 a.m. FSWest.
Kent State at Army. 9:00 a.m. CBS Sports Net.
Brown at Princeton. 9:00 a.m. NBC Sports Net.
Oklahoma at Texas. 9:00 a.m. ABC.
Auburn at Mississippi. 9:00 a.m. KDOC.
Kansas State at Iowa State. 9:00 a.m. FX.
Louisville at Pittsburgh. 9:00 a.m. ESPNU.
Iowa at Michigan State. 9:00 a.m. ESPN.
Northwestern at Minnesota. 9:00 a.m. ESPN2.
Alabama-Birmingham at Houston. 9:00 a.m. FSWest.
Kent State at Army. 9:00 a.m. CBS Sports Net.
Brown at Princeton. 9:00 a.m. NBC Sports Net.
North Carolina at Miami (FL). 11:30 a.m. ESPNU.
Utah at UCLA. Noon, Fox.
Maryland at Virginia. Noon, Prime Ticket.
Nevada at UNLV. Noon, TWC Sports Net.
Lindsey Wilson at Campbellsville. Noon, Fox College Sports Atlantic.
Alabama at Missouri. 12:30 p.m. CBS.
Stanford at Notre Dame. 12:30 p.m. NBC.
Oregon State at BYU. 12:30 p.m. ABC.
Illinois at Michigan. 12:30 p.m. ESPN.
Oklahoma State at Kansas. 12:30 p.m. FSWest.
Texas-San Antonio at Rice. 12:30 p.m. Fox College Sports Pacific.
Bucknell at Harvard. 12:30 p.m. CBS Sports Net.
Fresno State at Boise State. 12:30 p.m. NBC Sports Net.
Utah at UCLA. Noon, Fox.
Maryland at Virginia. Noon, Prime Ticket.
Nevada at UNLV. Noon, TWC Sports Net.
Lindsey Wilson at Campbellsville. Noon, Fox College Sports Atlantic.
Alabama at Missouri. 12:30 p.m. CBS.
Stanford at Notre Dame. 12:30 p.m. NBC.
Oregon State at BYU. 12:30 p.m. ABC.
Illinois at Michigan. 12:30 p.m. ESPN.
Oklahoma State at Kansas. 12:30 p.m. FSWest.
Texas-San Antonio at Rice. 12:30 p.m. Fox College Sports Pacific.
Bucknell at Harvard. 12:30 p.m. CBS Sports Net.
Fresno State at Boise State. 12:30 p.m. NBC Sports Net.
Boston College at Florida State. 2:30 p.m. ESPN2.
Florida at Vanderbilt. 3:00 p.m. ESPNU.
Colorado State at San Diego State. 3:45 p.m. TWC Sports Net.
USC at Washington. 4:00 p.m. Fox.
TCU at Baylor. 4:00 p.m. FSWest.
Kentucky at Arkansas. 4:00 p.m. Prime Ticket.
Florida at Vanderbilt. 3:00 p.m. ESPNU.
Colorado State at San Diego State. 3:45 p.m. TWC Sports Net.
USC at Washington. 4:00 p.m. Fox.
TCU at Baylor. 4:00 p.m. FSWest.
Kentucky at Arkansas. 4:00 p.m. Prime Ticket.
South Carolina at LSU. 5:00 p.m. ESPN.
Southern Mississippi at Central Florida. 5:00 p.m. CBS Sports Net.
Tennessee at Mississippi State. 6:00 p.m. ESPN2.
Texas A&M at Louisiana Tech. 6:15 p.m. ESPNU.
California at Washington State. 7:30 p.m. Pac-12 Net.
And national.
Southern Mississippi at Central Florida. 5:00 p.m. CBS Sports Net.
Tennessee at Mississippi State. 6:00 p.m. ESPN2.
Texas A&M at Louisiana Tech. 6:15 p.m. ESPNU.
California at Washington State. 7:30 p.m. Pac-12 Net.
Image Bitching
M. Bouffant
The bitch-o-sphere is all over it. Unlike some, Brick Wahl doesn't need someone to find a link for him.
They're right, 'though. Look at this crap.
They're right, 'though. Look at this crap.
Gawd & Footsball
M. Bouffant
Lightning has delayed the Oklahoma State-Kansas game
- from by editor
Missouri-Alabama football game suspended due to lightning in Missouri, will be delayed at least 40 minutes - @stltoday
- from by editor
Wimps & Weenies
M. Bouffant
We keep telling you limp-dicked liberal pansies to stop fucking internalizing shit
& to start lashing out in righteousness. Also fear & anger. And hate & pain. Rage, already! What in hell is holding you back? Oooh. Baaaaaa!From TPM Reader LW …Wondering if you heard the quote from a pollster that EJ Dionne mentionned [sic] on (I think) the Rachel Maddow Show. Anyway, the pollster, according to Dionne, said, “Whwn [sic] I come out with a poll with bad news for Republicans, they want to kill me. When I come out with a poll that’s bad for Democrats, they want to kill themselves.” I think that comes really close to explaining the difference between the two parties and what has been happening since that first disastrous debate.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Christ, What A Whore
M. Bouffant
Please bring back the record industry so these lame-ass hos can make a living from crummy records instead of 3.5 min. adverts.Dracula in his coffin, not even the editorial staff here eats those things any more.
Moron Mobile
M. Bouffant
Wouldn't bother if we hadn't seen & captured this earlier,
but we did, so fuck Todd Akin to hell w/ a splintered broomstick.
Alas, it & its Stop Obama stickers were on too public a street for any political action. |
Bonus Quote of the Day
"Well, I've taken a look at both sides of the thing. And it seems to me that evolution takes a tremendous amount of faith. To have all of a sudden all of the different things that have to be lined up, to create something as sophisticated as life, it takes a lot of faith. I don't see it as even as a matter of science, because I don't know if you can prove one or the other."
-- Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), from a recording obtained by Think Progress at a Tea Party meeting this week.
Warning: Anything Can Happen Day
M. Bouffant
The editor/publisher here has been awake (& functioning) since 0659. We are therefore not responsible for anything that happens from now until the sweet oblivion of sleep or a nap.
Also: Fall is here, no more typoing [sic] from only our skivvies. Now sporting pants & a T-shirt, & may have to close a window or put on a long-sleeved shirt.
(Can't believe those are too long to twit, but ...)
Also: Fall is here, no more typoing [sic] from only our skivvies. Now sporting pants & a T-shirt, & may have to close a window or put on a long-sleeved shirt.
(Can't believe those are too long to twit, but ...)
Friday The 12th Fun & Frolic [UPDATED!!]
M. Bouffant
Tell the boss to shove it & get up & dance to a reggae-ringed disco number w/ an important message.And so begins another wknd. pursuing empty pleasure, cheap thrills & intoxicated oblivion in a futile attempt to blot out the horror surrounding us. (That's all of you, not the editorial us.)
UPDATE (1320PT 30 Jan 2014): And fuck YouTube as well.The Man can't bust our music!!Two times!!
UPDATE (1320PT 30 Jan 2014): And fuck YouTube as well.The Man can't bust our music!!Two times!!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Did You Know?
M. Bouffant
We may have but didn't care; while dicking about we noted that Bloggerers can type their very own "Custom Page Not Found" message.
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