Thursday, October 25, 2012

Idle & Juvenile Speculation

Just us, or does the bottle-blond woman playing Jack's cousin-in-law in this advert bear more than a passing resemblance to a certain Mrs. Willard Mitt Romney?And just for the hell of it, a couple we haven't seen on the telly. Apparently Jack figures it's worthwhile to mock Philadelphians.We're inclined to agree. Of course Jack in the Pants is based in San Di-fucking-ego, so they should talk.Not the first time they've tried it, either. Two yrs. ago, same shit, different bread: Americans have no memory, do they?

Credit, as due.


Weird Dave said...

A supporter of civility?

Now you're fuckin' with us.

Glennis said...

OK, the last one is actually kinda funny.

M. Bouffant said...

Politeness Editor:
We saw that civility crap ourself, & though a little put off we still like the Jack in the Pants stuff. Hell, we're usually civil in public (not being armed & all) until someone starts breathing or otherwise irks us.

The SoCal Honda ads aren't so hot; maybe credit should be given to corporate Jack for approving those ads.