Sunday, October 7, 2012

Actually Alive

There's a line by the Mad Meltz about a thing so awful it cannot be effectively disguised w/ a gallon of dogsweat. That was 40+ yrs. ago; now The Daily Caller is redesigned, but it's not disguising anything.
Someone there must not like Mick.

Addendum: The masochistic could do worse than read The NYT about Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson & his little operation.

We rest our case:
And he gained attention for his trademark bow tie, which he stopped wearing on TV in 2006. “I had no idea how much people hated bow ties,” he said, adding, “It took me 20 years to realize that wearing a bow tie is like wearing a middle finger around your neck.”
In Tucker's case, more like hanging his scrotum around his neck.


Weird Dave said...


M. Bouffant said...

Editing Editor:
Maus. Ah say, Micky Maus! Dunno who the guy w/ the four names is either.