Monday, October 15, 2012

Sickest Fucking Horseshit
You'll See Or Hear Today

A crazy Catholic fuck has put us on his ('cause you just know this is a one-man operation, except for his wife who probably does all the work) sucker list & keeps sending us crap like this:School dances! Women playing sports! Or going to college!! "Dads" just know! No daylight between this schmuck & any random lover of Sharia law, or the extra-fascist/patriarchal brand of Judaism practiced by the idjits who wear beanies all the time.

We quote: "College gives them a degree. Since most girls will marry and become mothers they don't need a degree."


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I really don't have words.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Protecting Our Doughnuts!

/ Goobernor Chris Christie

Weird Dave said...

Mmmmmmmmmmm....Catholic girls.

You know, he really does sound like a Taliban.
I'm pretty sure he would be quite happy to help his fundamentalists brothers chop my infidel, mortal sinning head off.

M. Bouffant said...

Original Sin Editor:
It's OK, you're not expected to have words. As a matter of fact ...

Interesting that the phrase "Catholic schoolgirls" now makes Americans think pervy thoughts.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

patriarchist motherfucker.

Mentioner said...

Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit.

Jeez. Gawddamn.

Anonymous said...

Jesus pedophile Christ ! I haven't heard anything like this perv since the nuns brainwashing us back in the 50s. And they allowed dances, sports and college.So, he is more of a chauv than 50s Irish Catholic Dominican nuns. That takes some doing.

M. Bouffant said...

Commenting Editor:
Ms. Boo, there's a 10-day limit on un-moderated comments. Sorry you had to try twice.

Gawd knows where his mind is stuck, probably post-Reformation but pre-Enlightenment.