Wednesday, July 25, 2012

You Tell 'Em!

We have to wonder just how old this ranter is.
It is painful to sit in a coffeeshop and listen to these sorts of people as they continually spout out cliche hipster nonsense that they seem to think is intellectual thought, but isn't. It's like the entire generation that these late-20s, early-30s come from are completely emotionally detached, intellectually stunted, and politically and socially disengaged -- but they somehow remain completely self-absorbed. I mean, self-absorption was once solely the domain of the intellectual and artistic elite* -- Einstein and Picasso, for instance -- but has now filtered down to those who don't even have a reason to be self-absorbed. Hell, with the seeming nonexistence of rational thought, pragmatism, emotional maturity, or any sense of the world outside, I'm not even convinced there is a self to be absorbed in.
The complete rant here.
*Uh, no. We're no Einstein, but really, who could be more interesting to us than we are?

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