Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sticks & Stones

Been reading much crap recently (Nothing but crap, actually: Everything's made of shit. Everything!) concerning comment sections on this here Internet, & how awful many commentors* are.

Whiny weaklings, sensitive little flowers & their ilk are invited to refresh their memories of something they should have internalized by, oh, second grade for the slower among them, by reading (Carefully, cretins; move your lips if you must.) the title to this item. Did your mommies teach you nothing? Did you not learn of the First Amendment in your cruddy schools?
*Why in the name of hell doesn't Google's shitty spell-check recognize the word "commenter?" It's in several dictionaries.


Substance McGravitas said...

I think you're complaining about Firefox's dictionary.

M. Bouffant said...

Complaint Dep't. Editor:
In general, we'll bitch & moan about anything that moves (or that doesn't & is in our way) but there's no Firefox on the current iteration of this box. Unless Googlé has outsourced its dictionary, we'll continue blaming them.

Substance McGravitas said...

Oh yeah, you're one of those Chrome people I think. I support Google blaming then.

M. Bouffant said...

Entirely Flesh(y) Editor:
Last time we got a new OS Chrome/Gurgle had all our bookmarks saved in their cloud. That alone made it worth it.