Monday, July 16, 2012

Brother Can You Spare A Loon?

Now we know where to ask for moneybeg to maintain our lavish existence:
According to data from Environics Analytics WealthScapes published in the Globe and Mail, the net worth of the average Canadian household in 2011 was $363,202, while the average American household’s net worth was $319,970.
C'mon people, we're starving down here! Seriously. We're down to about a hundred of your "kilogrammes."


mikey said...

Are you fucking kidding me? My household net worth is some pocket lint and half a quart of leftover mac n cheese.

Seriously, I don't do laundry because the skidmarks in my underpants contribute to my household net worth...

M. Bouffant said...

Net Worth Editor:
We've already gone through the mac & cheese, it's pkgs. of ramen now.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


Weird Dave said...

I would seriously enjoy watching someone like Rmoney try to survive on minimum wage.

M. Bouffant said...

Broke/Broken Editor:
We'd enjoy seeing him try to live on our gummint stipend, which actually pays more after taxes than our last wage-slavery. Bet he'd be shocked when he went in to the grocery store as a shopper for the first time in his existence.

Substance McGravitas said...

mac n cheese

That is known by the exotic name of Kraft Dinner in the best country in North America.

M. Bouffant said...

Continental Editor:
Meskin libel!!