Sunday, July 8, 2012

Plus Which

Couldn't embed Brad Thor babbling to Ginni Thomas's head shot at Whiskey Fire, so we typed some crap mostly not at all the same there while pimping the item below.

Frankly, Internet, we're disappointed that this uncivil ugliness hasn't received the attention it deserves.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I usually do all my stuff in blooger, than just cut and paste to Whiskey.

Usually the only problems remaining are formatting. (Also, when I fix the formatting, the youtuber often gets deleted, and I need to cut and paste just that back in again.)

M. Bouffant said...

Not Much of A Technical Editor:
Us too usually; didn't feel like copying the whole mess, & b) TypePad opened a window to advise us it didn't like The Caller's <script> code, preferring <embed> or <iframe>, & didn't show it in compose or preview. We didn't want to make big promises but have blank empty space there if it didn't work.