Sunday, July 29, 2012

"The Spectrum"

Two more who think it of the Rom.

As noted here:
(Now being considered semi-autistic by two separate sources, one of them highly respected.)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

M.B., not to be Gloomy Gus or nothing, but each and every one of them 3 pretzeldents sold us down the river for big corporations.


M. Bouffant said...

Business Section Editor:
We know you're mad at yourself for having believed the lies you were told in Civics, but every Pres. since Lincoln has been a tool of corporations which are people too.

What is the business of America, again?

And what actions are any of us willing to take? 'Cause that's one fuck-tuck-tuckin' hell of a lot of evil/stupid people to kill. And we're semi-retired.