Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Je Vous Aime, Nous!

Here we are helping (That's what we're all about, you know.) someone, approx. (33:15) in.
Listen to internet radio with Here Be Monsters on Blog Talk Radio
Especially wonderful of us to help as we were obviously drowning at the bottom of the Marianas Trench.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Gotta download this one. You need your own talk show, old chum. A lovable curmudgeon such as yourself could do a "glower hour".
Hey, man, I'm not even NEAR your lawn!

M. Bouffant said...

On The Radio-oooooo Editor:

Oh, don't tempt us. Sounds as if we could do halfnour a wk. free. We might just buy a microphone to demonstrate our manly (when not so digitally distorted) voice while we still have it.

And our lawn is legion, so you probably are on it!