Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Open Letter

An awful whore who claims to read this piece of shit regularly (We're not sure if that figures or not.) somehow obtained our e-mail address & sent us a pathetic request to link to some bullshit advertising site ("onlinecertificateprograms") because of a "crummiest fucking losers ever to appear in the All-Star Game" list she no doubt stole. We assume this is a result of a search for "web logs what mention baseball." (Big mistake mentioning outdoor activities other than shooting & blowing stuff up, we guess.)
I’m a frequent reader of your blog and wanted to let you know that I just posted an article on my site that I thought you might find interesting, “10 Most Laughable All-Stars in Baseball History”. If you think your readers might like it, too, would you consider sharing or mentioning it on your blog? I’d appreciate it if you have time to check it out.
[Link removed, you betcha. — M.B.]

Jena Ellis
Well, Jena Ellis (If that is your real name, & it probably isn't; we'd guess you're a Chinese or Russian street-walker who's just made a lateral move in the prostitution field.) we wouldn't link to your garbage if you appeared right here in our lonely bunker & applied a lip-lock to our love-muscle (as you & your mother are so used to doing to any gentleman who has the price).


Malignant Bouffant, typing for the editorial collective of Just Another Blog (From L.A.)™

cc: Jena Ellis ellis.jena912@gmail.com


Tom said...

Well, that was cathartic.

M. Bouffant said...

Lashing Out Editor:

Yes, we feel so much better.