Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Airhead Candidate

Bachmann Touts Her Qualifications

In a Fox News interview, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) explained why she's qualified to be President of the United States:

Said Bachmann: "I have a very broad, extensive background. I'm a student of many years. I've studied a number of, a wide berth of topics. I sit currently on the Intelligence Committee. We deal with the classified secrets and with the unrest that's occurring around the world. I also sit on Financial Services Committee. But again, I've lived life. Tomorrow, I'll be celebrating my 55th birthday, and I've had a wide, extensive life. And again, my background is a very practical, solution-oriented vision."
Wal shee-yit, we've lived our share of life, & probably a significant part of Rep. Bachmann's share too, Crazy Shelley not seeming the type to live live to its fullest, & almost two yrs. more of it. Practical & solution-oriented? That's us too. Practical & final solution-oriented, one could say.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

two commas and an ummm from Palin-level word salad.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

A 'wide berth' of topics.

Still laughing at "Sarah Palin with a brain".

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Bachmann/Radio-Head Lady 2012!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I've had a wide, extensive life.

This could describe a patch of fungus.

Willy said...

Before going outside she stuffs cotton in her ears so her head doesn't whistle when the wind blows.

I also want to note her vacant eyes. Someone said "The eyes are the window to the soul"...I'm pretty sure it was Stalin. He was on to something.

M. Bouffant said...

Political Officer Iterates:

Stalin: Wiser than we think. (There may also be shrinking unguents applied around her eye-sockets keeping her relatively smooth for a 55-yr. old, which results in that exposed/buggy look for the eyeballs themselves.)

Fungus wins.