Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WaPo Haters Note

All in the family.
I'll grant you that this list looks less like America than like Washington the federal city (or Sally Quinn's idea of a proper Georgetown dinner party). The problem with the Post op-ed page, however, is not the over-representation of Washington officials and bigwigs. It is the stranglehold that the at least two dozen (!!!!) regular contributors have gained over it.
In a what? Note: The Nuge only grunts one verse on this, so it is not intolerable. Shut up & play your guitar, one might say. Or one might shout: "Freedom!!"


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You make me click Slate?

But I just learned to H8 Slate yesterday!

And I don't agree with Jack Shafer.

My imperfect count detects only one contribution to the Post op-ed page by a member of the House of Representatives and only two by U.S. senators over the last month.

Dude, you've conveniently excluded op-eds by Dick Cheney, John Bolton, and other failed shrub'ites. Editorials which are duplicated by Hiatt's own stable of war-mongers and torture fans.

It is a neoconservative cesspool, made even more disgraceful by becoming more so in the wake of 8 years of spectacular neocon failure.

Fuck teh WaPoo. And Slate, too.

M. Bouffant said...

Pandering Editor Chortles:

Ha ha. Ha. Made you look. But it still wasn't enough that a blow was delivered to the very heart of the W.P.'s op-ed operation? Some people just can't be satisfied.