Friday, March 26, 2010

Probably Too Stupid Even To Be Aware What Filthy Hypocrites They Are

Tea Partiers Want a Smaller Government That Creates More Jobs
There is very little that those who identify as Tea Party supporters agree on, a new poll shows, except that they "want the federal government out of their lives except when it comes to creating jobs."
Read original story in Bloomberg | Friday, March 26, 2010
From Bloomberg:
“The ideas that find nearly universal agreement among Tea Party supporters are rather vague,” says J. Ann Selzer, the pollster who created the survey. “You would think any idea that involves more government action would be anathema, and that is just not the case.”
You lose, suckers:
Jobless Recoveries Are Here To Stay
A new report finds that a drop in hiring has been the trend over the past several recessions, and it's looking like things are getting worse.
Read original story in The Atlantic | Thursday, March 25, 2010
C'mon, let's hear some boiler-plate about the land of opportunity & freedom, & how the wealthy should be taxed less so they may create more jobs. We're waiting, fasco-economists.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Keep your government hands off our government student loan program!

M. Bouffant said...

Former Student Editor Sez:

No one will even want student loans when there aren't any jobs worth the time in school.