Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Andrew Sullivan, Please Take Note

Vessel of Truth updated. From LAist.
Bill Rosendahl, the only openly gay member on the Council, noted that he has the same power and authority as his fellow councilmembers, but doesn't have his "basic and civil human rights... I pay into it like everyone else!" He told how he fought aside gay men in Vietnam, but how culture, politics and religion made coming out an even tougher thing than battle. He eventually came out after his mother's funeral when he was 32. "My religion, Catholicism, is also perverted in how it defines us. God made us this way, God makes no mistake."
To contextualize, Bill's a flaming liberal who parlayed his position as VP/GM of the local Adelphia (Remember John Rigas & family, early corporate looters?) cable tee vee operation & exposure (as a public affairs host) on Adelphia narrowcasts to his current gubmint gig.

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