Friday, March 26, 2010

Frum Lite

We s'pose this "lawyer" wants to throw the rubes some red meat to calm them down enough that they'll pay some attention to his pathetic attempt at insight.

The meat, however, remains red only through dye injection. "Commonsense" crap that's past the expiration date even for carrion-eaters.
Its time for a change to an administration comprised of people who have achieved something in the real, private sector world and appreciate the need for government to support and not oppose the efforts of the private sector, and understand that diplomacy and legal proceedings will not deter those bent on our destruction. It's time for change to an administration that realizes it's role is to serve the people -- not to talk down to them, and to circumvent their preferences.

With its leftist economic policies culminating in the tortured takeover of the health care system, which will only reduce the quality of care while inhibiting economic recovery with its plethora of new taxes and mandates, and naïve, pacifist approach to national security emphasizing "dialogue" with rogue states over respect of all, this administration has demonstrated that it can not govern effectively.

The time is ripe for Republicans to seize the initiative, and get the country back on track to prosperity and peace, through genuine Republican policies.
A cogent analysis of just what the Obama Admin. has done. Between the nationalization of every health insurer, & the appeasement-by-drone in Afghanistan & Pakistan, followed by the NATO pull-out, it's certainly time to return Ronald Reagan to office, isn't it?

And what are the solutions that someone who has recited every line of Obama Derangement 101 short of "Marxist/Muslim Kenyan Usurper" might suggest to "right" the country w/ sensible Republicanism? "People who have achieved something in the real, private sector world" is the clue. (As far as that goes, we'd be more than happy for the world to be ruled by a benevolently despotic troika composed of Czars Bill Gates, Warren Buffet & George Soros. Anyone else w/ us?)  Glibertarianism, baby!
The Republican Party was handed a mandate in Congress as far back as 1994 to lead through small government, low taxes, accountability in education and strong defense, but squandered that mandate, paving the way for the escapades of the Obama-Pelosi-Holder crew, through reckless spending causing huge -- at least by pre-Obama standards -- budget deficits, inappropriate personal behavior of Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley, Tom DeLay, etc. and a preoccupation with involvement in peoples' private lives. The elections of 2006 and 2008 were very clear messages that government must "butt out" of peoples' lives where they are doing no harm to anyone else, and focus on issues that actually matter on Main Street, and that Republicans must not be Democrats 'lite' in throwing money at problems.
So, Republicans were handed a mandate in 1994. And in 2006 & 2008 as well! Remember? (Imagine what a mandate for reaction it will be if Obama only beats the GOP candidate by three or four pct. pts. in 2012!) Words meaning what lawyers (There's a productive profession. Create some value for us, Marty!) want them to, a mandate is now, by definition, something only Republicans can achieve. Also by definition, bankers & private enterprise can not "do harm to anyone else."
We now need a new generation of leadership to step forward, repudiate the missteps of the recent past and make clear that the Republican brand stands for real fiscal conservatism for both individuals and governments, individual liberty, including the right to succeed or fail on one's own merits, strong -- not necessarily expensive -- defense, and responsible personal behavior by candidates and office-holders.
"Make clear that the Republican brand stands for real fiscal conservatism for ... individuals." That's "individual liberty" for you! If an individual files for bankruptcy, will s/he be marched off to the workhouse, or is debtor's prison going to solve the problem?

Maybe there'll be room in the workhouse for those who don't meet Marty's purity test (Of course there's a purity test, though, somewhat surprisingly, not the "social issues" one.)
[T]his means proper vetting of potential candidates to weed out those who are unwilling or unable to be legitimate Republicans, and meaningful party discipline to ensure that those who are elected not forget why they were elected.


This means the party leadership should take steps to keep legislators and candidates "on message" with issues that impact the largest numbers of people -- not just a tiny and perhaps mythical "base". This is likely to mean keeping a distance from the Tea Party zealots.
Is it? "Fiscal responsibility" is what the T.P. people seem to be on about, rather than Kulturkampf. They certainly believe that the HCR bill was a "tortured takeover of the health care system." And there's not very much T.P. condemnation of the "naive, pacifist approach" of the current Admin. to the magic wars that don't run up any debt or anything that Bush started. That, after all, would necessitate mentioning Bush. Mr. Robins makes no mention of the forty-third Preznit, preferring to focus on the criminal activity of the Republicans in Congress, Abramoff & so forth. Heh, indeed easier to discuss the convicted grifters than the war criminals in the Grand Old Party.
As a result of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy the Democratic Party has recently demonstrated in its zeal to recapture the New Deal, for our country to have a bright future, the Republican Party must meet the challenges and demonstrate that it is willing and able to return to its roots.
Alright then. Let's review: The Democrats (despite the list of non-Bush Republican transgressions that Marty cranked out) are morally & intellectually bankrupt, & shame on them for wanting to recapture their popular & successful New Deal (Also: Medicare & Civil Rights legislation) roots, but the Republicans should get back to their every man for himself & devil take the hindmost free-market roots, which have worked so well for the national economy since Reagan started handing the treasury over to the already-haves thirty yrs. ago.

We actually find ourself agreeing w/ this lawyer feller. Cut the religious wackos out, reëstablish that the GOP's been taking their tithes & not producing (Free market, suckers!) for the last thirty+ yrs., & eliminate a large portion the Republican base, then run on "buoyant markets" & no regulation, right until the next buoyant market bursts & all the allowed-to-get-too-big-to-fail companies need another bail-out which Republicans will support until the elections roll around again. Excellent ideas, Mr. Lawyer. Go for it, elephants!

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