Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hey, You, Get Offa My Lawn!

After asking ourself "Huh?" & "From Whom?" for the last X mos., we finally realized who (other than the "colored guy," obviously) these aging wretches think "took their country" from them.
Their children. Who else? And they should be scared of the yout'. Hell, we get nervous whenever we read an Internit 20-nothing whining about Boomers being selfish assholes who put the country on the road to ruin. (NB: We in the draftable generation damn well had something to say about the awful shits of the Greatest Generalization who spawned us & Vietnam, by the fucking way.) Will enough people, some where, some time, eventually wise up & stop this crap?* Even futility is futile at this point.

We un-digress: Whatever they think "took" means, no one actually snatched their country & hid it under the North Pole or in China or put it on the moon where it can be mooned overstared at it half the month. They can move from Detroit & SLC to Vegas & California w/o travel papers. The tee vee's still on. The yoke of coercive taxation? Only in their victimized minds.

The huge cross-section of honkies over 50 who spoke "In Their Own Words," as NBC News puts it, were articulate (multi-syllabic, even) did not have cracker accents, & weren't shoving bibles, guns or both at the camera, yet, like the schmuck w/ the "I didn't vote for this Obamanation" sign, just won't admit that several million more people voted for Obama than voted against Obamanation.

Whatever. It's fear. (And a quick mention of race & its card.) We wish the bi-coastal Gloria Gunn had been asked if Social Security & Medicare had enslaved her to gov't. tyranny, put her on that ol' road to serfdom or anything remotely like that. Or how she'd feel about the gummint taking those SS checks off her back.

Fear can be used to encourage spending too. "Defense" spending? Never a peep about the Pentagon's sacred $700 billion/yr. from these brave American Eagles. (Just how many fucking "third rails" are there in American politics & gov't., anyway?) Until a red circle-&-slash superimposed on a picture of a $135 million F-35 (Or: "What if the Pentagon had to hold a bake sale?") is seen at a Tea Party gathering, we refuse to take any of the whining about going into debt any more seriously than their other fears & loathings.
In Depth Analysis (He heh, we typed "Analysis.")
We're Not Gonna Siddown & Shut Up. Thank You For Standin' Up.Reduced to making fun of that poor woman again.
*And so totally dulled out we seem to be making pleas for, like, human understanding & kindness or something. Sort of. This is not good. We really need to pay more attention to this stuff.

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