Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tangled Web

Crazy Shelley pretzels herself into more statements about "death panels." Now, according to the Minnesota Congresswoman, the panels are not a deliberate, cold, calculating maneuver by godless atheist liberal fascists; instead "rationing" will be the result of a shortage of medical personnel.
"Because if you have 500 -- over $500 billion in new taxes, and senior citizens have the bulk of the wealth in United States," Bachmann explained. "So you have 500 -- and they should, they've worked their whole life for it -- $500 billion in new taxes, huge increases in health insurance premiums, over $500 billion in cuts to Medicare. "No new doctors, by the way. Thirty-two million more people in the system, but according to Barack Obama it's gonna be over 50 new million people in the system, what do you think is going to happen? It's called rationing.

"And when you ration care, that means you get less. You don't get in to see the doctor, you don't get an appointment, you don't get a surgery. You don't, you don't, you don't.

"That's the death panels. And of course, the Democrats go crazy when you talk about death panels. But when you have a senior citizen who is told, no, you can't have an MRI; no, you can't have a CT scan; no, you're not getting a hip replacement; no, you're not getting the bypass, what is that? What is that, when you're told no?"

"What is that? What is that, when you're told no?" It's delusional, is what it is. Has not happened, & is not likely to happen. How stupid is Minnesota's favorite daughter? W/ her around, stupidity will never need to be rationed.

Speaking of rationing, we're calling for a substantial tax on hair color. Some people are using more than their fair share, if Ms. Bachmann will accept our apology for using Comsymp words like "fair" & "share."
Above, earlier, Black Dye No. 3. Below, more recently, a color not occurring in nature. If we believed in Gawd, we'd assume that the big fucking killer in the sky would want us to maintain the hair color that he, in his infinite wisdom, assigned to each of us at birth.

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