Sunday, March 7, 2010

From Cesspool To Sewer, & Back Again

Lowry's & Ponnuru's stand up & salute, "Gawd Bless America"
actual print version cover story, on first appearance a wk. or so ago piqued interest here for moments (we may even have tangentially referred to it) but we never read the entire damn thing; now we needn't, we'll link this Damon Linker response, noticed when we were investigating Peretz's latest anti-Arab, Bush was right screed, & read Linker tomorrow.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

On one side of an unbridgeable divide stand true Americans, devoted to God and country, liberty and virtue; on the other is an insidious assortment of liberals, leftists, radicals, secularists, and foreigners. Yes, foreigners.

Sounds familiar, but the original German version was more concise.

M. Bouffant said...

Concision Editor Adds:

"Liberals, leftists, radicals, secularists, and foreigners" = Juden

Much easier.

Hamish Mack said...

Yeah, damn foreigners!!!
The other point about Lowry's and Ponnuru's load of soggy kleenex was the complete absence of women from the potted history of 'Merica. Even Linker's response manges to reference Queen Mooselini (ITTDGY 2010) but in the original it's all founding fathers and strong men and shit.
I am sure this is a mere oversight (not).

M. Bouffant said...

Two Minutes Left In Int'l. Women's Day Editor Notes:

Not very many founding mamas made the history books here. Unlike you lot, w/ your lady P. M., etc., we know what wimmenfolks are for.