Sunday, October 28, 2007

Today's Sermon, Part Three: Mormo-Babtist Whatnot

Jesus, Mary & Elohim, three of Joe Smiff's Holy Space Elves.
Yes, it's a big fight over which lie/fairy story/con game is to be believed. The Southern Babtists are saying poopy-oopy-doopy to the Mormons, who of course don't have a leg to stand on because their fairy story was made up so recently that, on a historical scale, it's like yesterday. Mormonism is the same deal as UFOs: Why don't they show up on the White House lawn, instead of appearing to one or two ordinary people in the middle of nowhere? Why didn't the Angel Moroni & Elohim & Jesus & whichever other space-elves were involved make a big public announcement & hand over all the golden scrolls or whatever bullshit it was to a whole bunch of people, instead of one nobody who was the spawn of crooks ("treasure-hunters" or whatever the fuck) who "lost" half the revealed stuff anyway?


About this stupid:
The Mormons regard themselves as Christians, and Jesus figures prominently on the covers of LDS publications. They believe that after the death of Christ's apostles his church became confused, a period that ended only with the restoration of the Gospel by the presentation of another book of scripture by an angel to LDS founder Joseph Smith.

Most Christian theologians, however, disagree, not just because they disbelieve the angel story and the Book of Mormon that resulted, but by pointing to Mormon concepts including the ability of humans to become godlike entities after death. Most perturbed have been conservative Evangelicals like the Southern Baptists, who share many of the Mormons' conservatiave
[sic] social values yet have a very strict view of what is and what is not scripture, and find themselves in competition with the LDS for congregants.
That kills us: "Our Savior came to save us from some con involving an apple tree & a snake, perpetuated on us by a space-elf who is & isn't the father of Our Savior, but you expect us to believe a different space-elf appeared w/ more stuff to read ('Oh, reading's hard. Just tell me the good stuff.') in upstate New York in the 19th century? Do you think we're nuts? You're crazy!!"
Land explained that he would look at Mormonism "as another faith in the same sense that I would look upon Islam as another faith. I think the fairest and most charitable way to define Mormonism would be to call it the fourth Abrahamic religion — Judaism being the first, Christianity being the second, Islam being the third, and Mormonism being the fourth. And Joseph Smith would play the same character in Mormonism that Muhammad plays in Islam."
Or that L. Ron Hitler plays in Scientology©.

We won't even bring up that Coulter person & her "perfected Jew" crap. Sunday is almost gone.

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