Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Most Popular Searches: Spanking & ORU

Viewers often ask, "M. Bouffant, Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™ covers so many different aspects of contemporary culture & politics, what is the most popular search to your wonderful blog?" Then they grow large leather bat-wings & fly away, but that's another story, which we're hoping medication will take care of. Other than the Mossad agents in Tel Aviv who seem to check in every half hour or so, and the CIA agents in Silicon Valley who do the same (Are they secretly communicating w/ each other through our devil-box? We'll have to check the times they're "reading" against each other.) the most common search we get is for Christian wife spanking (A/K/A Christian Domestic Discipline) based on this item we ran some time ago. We don't think many of the searchers are approaching it w/ the sense of humor we have about it. We also get hits for our screeds against Blackwater, and recently ones concerning the Oral Roberts U. scam. Pissed On Politics has several good links. It looks as if there is a second set of allegations. Here's the juiciest extract:
The report says that dead-bolt locks were installed on all bedroom doors at the Richard Roberts residence at the insistence of his oldest daughter. ''This was precipitated by Mrs. Roberts repeatedly moving into the home her 16 year old male 'friend,' which made her daughters uncomfortable.''
Damn. What is this world coming to when a parent doesn't have control of her own house anymore?

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