Saturday, October 20, 2007

Daily Obligation (& UPDATE)

Your friends & ours @ Bugger™ seem unable to upload pictures now & for a while, & we've nothing but items w/ images to run, so we'll beg your indulgence. And we're still using the freaking digital telegraph of dial-up. So don't hold your collective breath before Monday, when the Donkey Shit Line should be happening. If not, AT&T™ can count on some damage to some of their physical property. Hell, let's throw Google™ into the threat matrix as well. Restore image uploading or I'll nuke the town of my youth, Atherton, where it seems half of you fucks live!!! ATTENTION GOV'T. LICKSPITTLES: A TERRORIST THREAT HAS BEEN MADE!!! COMING TO GET US? UPDATE (20 October @1150): Google™/Bugger™ have gotten their shit back together, so Atherton will not be rendered a glassy parking lot, but this dial-up is getting more & more irksome. We'll grant AT&T that they said it might not be happening until Monday, but sheesh! Hey, sitting here making idle threats against vast impersonal corporate entities is more fun than standing on a street corner foaming at passersby!

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