Thursday, October 4, 2007

Tin Ears & Tin-Foil Hats

"Koo-Koo" Kucinich in his aluminium chapeau.
The image above is taken directly from the Blackwater Facts web log. Tee hee. How clever. Just how old is the PR firm intern running it? Here's another example:

Rules for posting comments
Readers are welcome to post comments as
long as they:

1. Keep the discussion civil.
2. Do not use slander or libel.
3. Try to act like adults and avoid using potty language.
Written like a middle schooler. Just a note, Junior: "Grown-ups" (as we're sure you call them, not being one yourself) don't use the phrase "potty language" unless speaking to a child less than five yrs. old. And #s 1 & 2 are essentially the same. It's called redundancy. Look it up. As of this morning, readers are no longer "welcome to post comments." BF is no longer allowing anonymous comments, & is moderating those submitted. Way to do a thorough job of running your site, sonny.

And for further puppetry, see About Blackwater, also from the keyboard of "Standish," the pseudonym apparently an attempt to link Blackwater to the Plymouth colony & "the civilization that became the United States." 'Cause, you know, "[p]rivate security contractors, or PSCs" (please don't call them "mercenaries") are as American as apple pie or the Ku Klux Klan.

Facts about Blackwater USA. Blackwater USA is not responsible for this site. [BF]

This is an independent site and is not affiliated with Blackwater USA.


Anonymous said...

Oh sweet God you have got to be kidding.You'd think a a multibillion Dollar co.can do better than that.These are heroes,la,la,da,dee,dum,and I totally mean it nor do I have any connection to the co. at all.I'm just a kind of mercenary groupie.Try to make most of the gigs read SOF.You know but not affiliated in any way though.

M. Bouffant said...

From The Editor:
Sad, yet pathetic. Also lame. And dorky. We really think someone at their PR firm told an intern to do it in his/her spare time.

Larry Harmon said...

Actually, Bouff, #1 and #2 are not the same. Slander and libel are just a small part of what conservatives like to call civil discourse, which is ultimately about silencing anybody who disagrees with them.

omelas said...

"Standish" wasn't even a mercenary, he was titled and landed aristocracy, retained for the voyage and then elected as sheriff.

Blackwater Facts is linked to by Blackwater USA by the way....

* snort *