Friday, October 26, 2007

Giuliani's Goons: "Let's Have Another War!"

Same shit, different neckties:
Rudy "The Catholic" Giuliani has a swell collection of campaign advisers, though we're not yet sure who's counseling him on ferret policy. On foreign policy, however, he's got the cream of the croptop of the heap. The heap of neo-con bed-wetters, that is.

Mr. Giuliani’s team includes Norman Podhoretz, a prominent neoconservative who advocates bombing Iran “as soon as it is logistically possible”; Daniel Pipes, the director of the Middle East Forum, who has called for profiling Muslims at airports and scrutinizing American Muslims in law enforcement, the military and the diplomatic corps; and Michael Rubin, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute who has written in favor of revoking the United States’ ban on assassination.
Warnings like that one and his reliance on advisers like
Mr. Podhoretz, who wrote an article in June for Commentary magazine called “The Case for Bombing Iran,” have raised concerns among some Democrats.
Mr. Podhoretz said in an interview published Wednesday in The New York Observer that he recently met with Mr. Giuliani to discuss his new book, in which he advocates bombing Iran as part of a larger struggle against “Islamofascism,” and “there is very little difference in how he sees the war and I see it.”

Alright. Maybe if we lift "the United States' ban on assassination," per Michael Rubin, we can take care of the Guiliani menace w/o the mess of an election. Of course, we won't be convinced that Rudy really means it until he signs Michael Ledeen on as well. Maybe this schmuck is as good, though:
One of Mr. Giuliani’s most important foreign policy tutors is Charles Hill, a career diplomat and former deputy to Secretary of State George P. Shultz in the Reagan administration. Mr. Hill had never met Mr. Giuliani when he was invited to a 45-minute meeting at Giuliani Partners in late February — a meeting that stretched to nearly three hours.
Mr. Hill went on to become the campaign’s chief foreign policy adviser, and to assemble a team that is united by its generally hawkish views and its belief in using American power to achieve its aims.
Just days after the Sept. 11 attacks, Mr. Hill
joined a number of foreign policy experts in signing an open letter to Mr. Bush urging that “even if evidence does not link Iraq directly to the attack, any strategy aiming at the eradication of terrorism and its sponsors must include a determined effort to remove S
addam Hussein from power in Iraq.”
Instead of talking about “the war on terror,” Mr. Giuliani speaks of “the terrorists’ war on us,” or, as he put it in a recent speech to a group of conservative Christians, the “Islamic terrorists’ war against the United States.” He sometimes faults Democrats for failing to mention that the terrorist threat comes specifically from Muslims.
Or American foreign policy, depending.


Jim Donahue said...

Increasingly, I leel like a ferret in a world of Giulianis.

Larry Harmon said...

Let's hope that the hardcore evangelical right will boycott Guiliani and run a third party candidate, thus splitting the kook vote. Anyone for the exhumation of Curtis LeMay?

M. Bouffant said...

From The Editor:
We're sure that Gen. LeMay (despite his Frenchy name) would clear up the ferret problem once & for all.