Sunday, October 7, 2007

Rule, Britannia, Britannia, Blargle, Mumble, Aaa...!

See? It's right here in The New Media Journal. Obviously the liberal Old Media has been hiding this from us!
Democrats in Congress aren’t the only ones fighting hard to hand victory to the free world’s terrorist enemies. Now the Sunday Telegraph reports that under new Labour Party leadership, the British Ministry of Defense will reduce the number of warships in the Royal Navy. The fleet would be reduced by an aircraft carrier, two submarines, and eight frigates initially. Some observers predict that the 103-ship Royal Navy will be reduced by half in the next twenty years, leaving the United Kingdom unable to mount an operation that would match in scale the successful Falklands campaign of 1982.
We didn't know the terrorists were on islands somewhere. We thought the terrorists were hiding in caves in Pakistan's North West Territories. (See? You can spell "terrorist" & still have an "i" & an "e" left over!) Not sure what good frigates will do against cave dwellers, but Lance Thompson seems convinced downsizing is a bad thing. Let's see, the Navy of Islamic Jihad has how many aircraft carriers? And the Brits are downsizing? Horrors! Shocking!
We’ll put aside the sentimental remembrances of the centuries of Royal Navy domination of the seas, when ships flying St. George’s ensign maintained not only Britain’s far-flung empire, but also the orderly conduct of commerce throughout the world. Whether its enemies were pirates, the Spanish Armada, Napoleon’s fleet, or the German High Seas Fleet, the Royal Navy shouldered the burden of defending England and enforcing the rule of law at sea.
Yes, do put aside the sentiment for Empire & Commerce. And while you're putting it aside by reminding us of it, don't even bother to mention other enemies of the Royal Navy, like John Paul Jones & the Bon Homme Richard, or that "enforcing the rule of law at sea" included the press gangs that led to the War of 1812. Or that the United States taxpayer & Navy took over the duties of protecting empire & commerce after the Second World War.
The United Kingdom, like all nations that stand up for freedom, is at war with Islamic terrorists and their state sponsors. The focus of this war is currently in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is no question that the terrorist enemy recruits, plots, and carries out attacks all over the world–from the Middle East to Indonesia, from Europe to North and South America. The challenges to the armed forces of free nations are staggering, even as those forces are stretched thin by the continuing fight. The Royal Navy is integral to the United Kingdom’s contribution to this struggle.
Rather, old chap. Place an aircraft carrier in the London Underground or at a tourist club in Bali, & those terrorist chaps shan't be able to recruit anyone, to say nothing of exploding one of their ruddy bombs. And submarines at the train depots in Madrid would've quashed that unpleasantness. Tally ho!
[I]t is at least unusual for a government to disarm in the middle of a war. Disarming while the fight continues can only mean one thing–Gordon Brown’s government is throwing in the towel.

But the Labour Party in England, like the Democratic Party in the United States, either does not believe their nation needs to be defended, or that it doesn’t deserve to be. In the face of the terrorist enemy, both positions serve the enemy.
No, you inane drone, no one is "disarming." The pointless military action & threats you seem to want only benefit terrorists, by increasing resentment & recruitment. The Labour Party realizes that, as terrorism is committed by civilians on civilian populations & infrastructure, perhaps the resources of the U. K. might be better used for intelligence gathering & combating the small cells that terrorists operate in, rather than steaming around the Persian Gulf or wherever, pretending it's WWII all over again. A lesson sadly lost on George W. Bush & his handlers/enablers.
Lance Thompson is a script doctor [Hollywood Insider's Note: "Script doctor" means he can't sell a script to save his life, and is reduced to turning shit into mere crap.] who has written for movies and television, and is a freelance writer and photographer for magazines and newspapers. He lives in Meridian, Idaho, with his wife and daughter and does not own a cell phone.
Just Another Blog (From L. A.)™ has no truck with cell 'phones either, but we don't make a big deal of it. Chances are Lance & family live in a shack far from the nearest cell tower, & he makes his wife home-school their daughter so she doesn't get any "ideas," if you know what we mean.

And we'd be remiss if we left you w/o The New Media Journal's little disclaimer:
Photographs featured in The New Media Journal are for educational purposes only. While some of them are factual in nature others are creations meant to incite thought to further the socio-political and ideological conversation amongst of our readers. Contact the editor for a link request to The New Media Journal. The New Media Journal is not affiliated with any mainstream media or ideological organizations . The New Media Journal is not supported by any political organization. The New Media Journal is a group of non-compensated, independent writers bringing researched, fact-based commentary to the public in the midst of the mainstream media's blatant, agenda-driven bias. The New Media Journal is a non-profit educational effort.
Who, us? Agenda? No, no, it's the mainstream media that has the agenda. We're as pure & honest as the day is long.

1 comment:

PoliShifter said...

Wow, so now the Brits are chickenshit surrender monkeys, who knew?

Don't they know if they would just stay in Iraq a little longer that eventually Bin Laden in Talibanistan (region between Pakistan and Afghanistan) would die...I mean, if we just stay in Iraq long enough (say another 30 years) Bin Laden will eventually be killed (by natural causes) and we'll enjoy the sweet victory and avengement for 9/11.

Seriously though, I think the jig is up at least for the U.K. and Europe. They realize the GWOT is a joke.

As for the U.S., our government under Bush rules by fear. If they actually did anything to combat and curb terorrism then we wouldn't have to live in fear and they wouldn't be able to keep pilfering tax dollars for the military industrial complex.

It's against the Bush Administration's best interest to actually combat terror and elminate it.

If we did that then there would be no point in Bush having super secret spy powers, the Patriot Act, the ability to torture, render people to secret prisons, pre-emptive war with Iran, and the continued spending of hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq on the gwot.

Bush needs terrorism like a fish needs scales and a bird needs feathers.

There's no incentive whatsover for Bush to actually fight terror.

In fact some wingnut a few months ago actually called for "another 9/11" to refocus the U.S.:

Stu Bykofsky - To save America, we need another 9/11


In order to get the tools we need to protect you, we have to kill you first.