Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Race To Oblivion

We have a local winner:
In the [L.A. Times] newsroom there is a growing sense that the editors and publisher no longer care much about the printed paper, feeling that the future is digital. This is kind of a giant FU to the print readers and you could argue to the Times brand. Lots of big newspapers feel financial challenges. Only the LA Times among the big ones sells its most important news real estate.
Read the rest at LA Observed.


mikey said...

Thinking that one reason for this is that printed paper is NOT particularly important anymore, and if it can provide an additional revenue stream, hey, fire away...

Substance McGravitas said...

They've convinced me! The Lovely Daughter wants to see it tomorrow.

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Editor:
Which means the people at Disney are ninnies for buying it, even if it is the front page.

How many members of the L. Daughter demographic are reading the printed L.A. Times front page?