Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dead of The Day

"Holy Roller"
Art thingies courtesy ChimMaya Gallery.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

♪♫ Ridin' that train
High on cocaine... ♪♫♪♫

M. Bouffant said...

Morbidity Editor:

Oh no, Dreadful Grate fans have infiltrated us!

That is scary!!

Weird Dave said...

Diosa ($345)

With Coffee Bean Scatter

Oh, and umm, M.? Just in case you didn't know, and speaking as someone who chased after the Dead for many years (and even caught up with them once or twice), I believe Mr. ™³²®©'s name comes from a Grateful Dead song.

M. Bouffant said...

Hippie Burn-Out Editor:

Thudnarr's made that clear once or twice, but we're still unclear on the whole "™³²®©" thing.

Hippie cred: Stood right next to Jerry G. once in 1968 or so (They weren't so grating then.) when the Daid played a free gig at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle. He was sporting green corduroy pants w/ little yellow paisleys all over them. Too cool to say anything to him 'though. (Should have asked him where he got the pants.)

But we weren't quite so cool we didn't dance like an idiot (in those halcyon days we were still energetic, rather than enervated) & broke our "love beads."

Weird Dave said...

Well I hope the acid was good back then. (Although I did meet Owlsey a couple of times).

Grateful Dead joke:

Q: How many Deadheads does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: A million and one. One to screw it in and a million to follow it around 'till it burns out.

M. Bouffant said...

Close Call Editor:

Good joke.

Can't speak to the acid of the times. Only took the stuff once, by accident, in the '80s. Went to a party where the only relatively good booze was Peppermint schnapps; helped ourself & then were told the bottle was (allegedly) dosed. Felt a little speedy & our pupils dilated, but nothing else. Whew!