Sunday, March 23, 2025

Where's Your G-d Now, Moses?

None Dare Call It Murder When It's Genocide

Their Blood Is On Trump's Hands Too

Maybe 1,000 gentrifying slumlord types had their hair mussed 7 October. Is 50 times the Biblical eye-for-an-eye, toof-for-a-toof deal enough for you, Nazi thug Israelis? Haven't you found & killed Hamas yet? If you can't do your job, resign!

How is it that these pieces of shit can murder w/ impunity on the world stage, yet this reporter isn't even allowed to threaten the scum that make his life miserable? Mostly landlords, from Trump on down. Let's try killing the landlords rather than murdering innocent civilians. (Not that anyone is actually innocent, of course.)

1 comment:

Al said...

The US/NATO/Israeli axis of evil must be defeated. Free Palestine! Free Speech!