W/ a chainsaw or something.
So funny this reporter forgot to laugh. |
I hate the fucking bog-monkeys & their putrid music (From Riverdance through Van Morrison to U2.) & I hope Trump deports every last one of those racist pieces of Papist shit so they can return to their cramped, damp island & go back to bombing each other over Jesus, abusing unwed mothers & murdering their bastard children. Sick, sick fucks. May the "Emerald Isle" sink into the Irish Sea w/ all of them aboard. All those ruining things in the U.S. of A. can drown in their own green vomit today.
Is this thing flipping us off? |
Fuck the wop-a-dagoes, that murdering pig Columbus & his "day" too. Enough w/ the Catholicism. What is wrong w/ America's fucking sheep? Wise the fuck up aleady!!
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