Thursday, June 20, 2024

Abandon Hope ...

... you are on your own.

We Don't Care Until You're Dead

But as soon as you're history we'll drag out the flags & hypocrisy.

"You're born alone, you die alone."
— Richard Meltzer.

Soft-On-Crime D.A. Lets Vicious Vigilante Murderer Skate

In America, Rich Peoples' Property Is More Valued Than Poor Peoples' Lives

The message the D.A. is sending is: Threaten a frat boy's car & he has the right to stab you multiple times. Wouldn't having a knife w/ you make it premeditated? Are there no fucking laws?
“After careful consideration and a thorough review of all available evidence, we have decided not to pursue charges against USC student Ivan Gallegos,” District Attorney George Gascón [sic] said in a statement. “We believe that Mr. Gallegos’ actions were driven by a genuine fear for his life and the lives of others. Our heart goes out to the deceased’s family, friends and everyone impacted by this tragic incident.”
Jesus you rat bastard, this reporter is in genuine fear for his life & the lives of others every time he sees a police car. Does that give him the right to pump a few RPGs into the next black-&-white he sees?

Summer: Already Over

Don't believe the seasonal hype; periods of daylight will now be shorter each day for another six months. Wonderful.

Third On Thurs.

I hadn't been aware that there was a "Canterbury Scene".

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

It's TV Girl!

Whoever the eff they are, other than sell-outs. My question is, does TV Girl have a "T.V. Eye"?

"Say Hey!"

The nickname

This looks good (& short).
In 1959, when Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev visited San Francisco and members of the International Longshoreman’s Union greeted him with cheers, newspaperman Frank Coniff quipped: “This is the damnedest city. They cheer Khruschev and boo Willie Mays.”

Up At The Crack Of Noon ...

... To Tell All Humanoids To Shut Their Mouths, Stop Moving, & Stop Breathing!

Tired of the incessant crap, & the flap of your ugly gums.

Bring It On, Butcher!

As I've noted previously in this space, I. Will. Slit. Your. Fucking. Throat.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Committing Murder To Protect The Holy & Sacred Automobile


A 19-year-old USC student was in custody Tuesday for allegedly fatally stabbing a man he apparently witnessed breaking into cars near the university’s Greek Row.

Ivan Gallegos was booked on suspicion of murder and was being held in lieu of $2 million bail, according to the Los Angeles Police Department and jail records.

The victim, who police said was in his 30s, was pronounced dead at the scene, LAPD Officer Tony Im told City News Service. His name was not immediately released.

The stabbing was reported around 8:15 p.m. Monday in the 700 block of West 28th Street, east of University Avenue.

LAPD Interim Chief Dominic Choi told the Police Commission Tuesday morning that the student confronted the man who was breaking into vehicles. That man allegedly told the student he had a gun, resulting in the student stabbing him, Choi said.

The victim of the stabbing tried to flee through an alley, where responding officers eventually found him suffering from multiple stab wounds, according to Choi.

Witnesses described seeing a pool of blood near the fraternity.

What kind of vigilante bullshit are they teaching at U.S.C.? Killer frat-boy Gallegos doesn't seem to have gotten the lesson right. Or has he gotten it exactly right, in that property is infinitely more valuable than mere people?

I suppose property owners on a jury of bourgeois pigs will let him off w/ a "well done", although he is a vicious murdering thug who deserves the gas chamber. Carrying a knife makes it premeditated, dunnit?

Tee Vee Toy Time Tuesday

Why Is This A Nation Of Gun-Crazed Murderers?

"Not A Flying Toy"Remember when adverts on the telly were all 58 seconds long?A young Kurt Russell, & the voice of William Cannon.Dig the car wash at the end. Certainly wouldn't have amused me, even at a very young age.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Clean Green Camaro

Blood On The Tracks

(I'm Only Bleeding)

Not actual tracks; aging capillaries. I wonder how 83-yr. old Bobby Zimmerman's capillaries are holding up.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Image may be subject to copyright.
Channel surfing from local baseball to the Sunday night game I chanced across the CFL, which I had believed started its season in August. Nope:
As of 2024, it features a 21-week regular season in which each team plays 18 games with three bye weeks. This season traditionally runs from mid-June to early November. Following the regular season, six teams compete in the league's three-week playoffs.
Hope the No Fun League doesn't hear about that schedule.

Miracle Mile Red

Today In Sex Crimes For Jesus

What'll You Bet These Sick Fucks Are Fathers Too?

Corbin Bolies / The Daily Beast:
Trump's Spiritual Adviser Quasi-Confesses to Molesting 12-Year-Old Girl  —  HOLY MOLY  —  The senior pastor of megachurch Gateway Church said he engaged in “inappropriate sexual behavior” with a “young lady”—without noting the alleged victim was 12.  —  The pastor of one of the country's …
Mark Wingfield / Baptist News Global:
Breaking news: Paul Pressler died and the SBC said nothing  —  Herman Paul Pressler III of Houston died June 7, four days before the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, where nothing was said about his passing.  —  Pressler, who had just turned 94, was the co-architect of the so-called “conservative resurgence” in the SBC.
Shocked & horrified? Yes. Surprised that it's Xians doing it? Not in the least. No child in this country is safe from Republicans, Jesus freaks or Scouting leaders. We have to shut it all down until we figure out what's going on
kill them all & let Gawd sort them out.

Fuck You, "Dad", & Fuck Phony Holidays

My father abandoned me by trying to pass someone on a curve while driving under the influence, getting into a head-on collision & dying while returning to Washington from his mother's funeral in Texas, ten days short of my sixteenth birthday. I piss on his grave, & yours too! Put your mutated members back in your pants & stop breeding, you pieces of shit!

And fuck a nation where the single most often used image for Fathers Day is a fucking neck-squeezing corporate drone necktie. One more of an infinity of reasons to hold humanity in murderous contempt. And by the way, "wishing" anybody a "happy" anything is the most anodyne bullshit ever.

Do any of these scum ever think about anything they say or type, or is it all just reflexive, repetitive bullshit from idiots?

And of course, it's America, where buy sell consume is the totality of existence. "Dad" needs some useless plastic shit from China & an absurdly overpriced brunch. Fuck everybody & everything to hell.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Ugly World, Ugly People

Amazing how you fucking people can turn absolutely anything to shit in about five minutes. Proud of yourselves?
I'd kill every humanoid on this cursed planet w/ my bare hands if I had the time, & a way to dispose of the corpses.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Turkish Air Lines

Hadn't spotted one of these before.

Flag Day Final

As promised two items below, we checked on the Third & Vermont Ralphs and their flag today, Flag Day, at 1923PDT. It's not supposed to look like that, Kroger Corp. Stop hating America, & stop fucking America w/ your inflationary prices, you greedy corporate pigs.

Friday Finger

Didn't even have to look for an example on the iNternet; can't walk down the street w/o being flipped off.
No idea what the plug means.

Flag Day

The Cross & the Flag. That's the Scientology cross, which they seem to have stolen borrowed from some other fascist ersatz religion.

The flag over the Ralphs at Third & Vermont. That image was taken 3 June. This was taken 10 June, days after I called & gave them a piece of my mind. I'll check later today.
Flag on crane w/ moon.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images."


Was not expecting the auto-corrector to impose Robot's Rules of Order.
In comparison, the untouched, uncropped version.

The 99 Store Is No More

Damn, didn't know the whole shebang was history as of the third.
The company announced all stores would close beginning April 5, 2024 and culminate on June 3, 2024 due to financial hardship.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Here Come The Bugs!

Trillions, w/ a "T"!The Insect Surfer here used to carry on w/ us at East Hollywood/Silver Lake BBQ Associaton events in the '80s. Like many of you, he had more hair then.Headline may be a bit late; apparently they've come & gone already.

"Horrible City"

A Veritable Hellhole

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Priests & Police: Perverts All

Defund The Police & Tax The Churches!

Washington Post:
Abused by the badge  —  A Washington Post investigation found hundreds of law enforcement officers in the United States have sexually exploited kids.  Many avoid prison time.  —  They served in police departments big and small.  They were new recruits and seasoned veterans, patrol officers and chiefs of police.
Of course they get away w/ it: Humans are child-hating hypocrites. There wouldn't be constant yakking about "saving the children" if children weren't in direct, never-ending danger from the damned adults & their incessant lies, bullshit, aggression & abuse, sexual & otherwise. Not to mention the enflamed planet that's the ultimate testimony to concern for the youth.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Spring Cleaning, Pre- & Post-

J.W there needs a good washing before he's re-hung. The flag & the Sex Potatoes thing should be in the same load.

Semper Fidelis?

Apparently Semper Fi doesn't mean "Always Open". Tough 'hood (There's a former 7-ELEVEN® just to the left. It lasted two or three yrs.) if the jarheads have to leave. Maybe they aren't such tough guys.

"Yesterday, upon the stair ...

... I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away."

Beyond pathetic. Yet how many chumps believe it?

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Clean Sweep Down, Fore & Aft!

Spring cleaning is the order of the day. As I won't be amusing you (Truer words were never typed.) why not use the time to check your own nests for soilage, you filthy, filthy animals.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Isn't Flag Day Next Friday?

Ralphs at Third & Vermont. Why does Kroger hate America?
Joan E Greve / The Guardian:
Revealed: Trump ally Kari Lake gave speech in front of Confederate flag  —  Video shows Arizona Senate candidate repeating election-fraud claims at event with Confederate flag behind her  —  The Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake addressed supporters with a Confederate flag displayed behind her during a campaign event at a Trump merchandise store in Arizona last week, where she repeated false claims about election fraud.

In footage obtained by the Guardian, Lake is seen speaking into a microphone, surrounded by a group of supporters, at the Trumped Store in Show Low, Arizona. Behind her, a Confederate battle flag and a yellow “Don’t Tread On Me” flag are affixed to the wall. Both flags are available for purchase on the website of Trumped Store, which sells an array of merchandise with the former president’s name and likeness.

Writing on X last week, Lake described the event as a “magical day”.

“So many incredible patriots in Heber-Overgaard, Show Low and the White Mountains,” she said. “America is stepping up. Arizona is stepping forward. It’s time to save this great Republic. I’m honored to be in this fight with all of these amazing patriots.” Kathy Gill / The Moderate Voice:   The MAGA movement extolls lies, White supremacy. This time, it's Kari Lake.
Interesting definition of "patriots". "Seccessionist losers" might be more accurate. Lying cheats, maybe?
Note attempted Trump dummy in front row, two seats to the right of pink hat w/ red JESUS shirt.
Kari Lake's best side.

They Seem Nice

Jewish supremacy formed the bedrock of Zionist colonialism, the New York Times reported in 1947

By Clifton Daniels, New York Times, March 20, 1947
Obviously more legible if enlarged. From, via.

Versailles Cats

In front w/ the cat people.

Friday Frog Frolics

Think this neon still works?
The roooftop garden apartment is locally popular.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Waiting For The Sunshine Of Your Love

Still enduring June's gloom in the Southland; seasonal affective disorder is leading this reporter nearer & nearer to the realization that there's no point to existence other than death, preferably the deaths of many others.
Bonus track.

80th Anniversary Of Normandy Landings

There's much much more, but I'm no one's research ass't.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Urge To Kill

Video of below item.Wonder what triggered the poor son-of-a-bitch? What is it about this pig society that makes people so fucking mad?

It's Self-Defense Against Pollution!

Father of four killed by man shooting at passing cars in Riverside County, authorities say

Deputies from the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department responded at 7:05 a.m. to the area of West Seventh Street and South San Jacinto Avenue to a report of a man shooting at passing vehicles, according to a sheriff’s department news release.

Two people were found shot and multiple cars had been hit by gunfire; both victims were hospitalized and one died from his injuries, according to authorities.

Just wake up at 0700, go outside & start shooting at all the moving targets? No reason needed beyond I'm mad as hell & I'm not taking it any more?

This reporter's only quibble is that one might want to kill a politician or other scum who is known to be making trouble & causing problems, rather than random losers. We need to get the people who can't/won't take it any more a little more organized & directed.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Light & Dark

Two Words: Falun Gong

Falun Gong logo. Anything look familiar?
US Department of Justice:
Chief Financial Officer Of Multinational Media Company Charged With Participating In Scheme To Launder At Least $67 Million In Fraud Proceeds  —  For Immediate Release  —  U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of New York  —  Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District …
Alex Griffing / Mediaite:
Feds Indict Far-Right Media Exec in Massive Money Laundering Scheme  —  Bill Guan, the chief financial officer of the far-right Epoch Times, was indicted Monday on charges of allegedly participating in a massive money laundering scheme.  —  The Southern District of New York released a statement saying …
Justin Baragona / The Daily Beast:
Feds Accuse Far-Right Newspaper of Being a Money Laundering Operation  —  $67 MILLION!  —  The indictment alleges the conspiracy-fueled paper's massive revenue growth in recent years was tied to the chief financial officer's fraudulent “Make Money Online” team.
Matthew Chapman / Raw Story:   Pro-Trump newspaper exec accused in $67M scheme indicted on money laundering charges: Feds
Matt Stieb / New York Magazine:
DOJ Says Epoch Times Newspaper Is an Epic Money-Laundering Operation  —  One of the strangest stories in media over the past decade is the Epoch Times, a formerly free newspaper distributed on the streets of New York that focuses on conspiracist, right-wing takes and reports that are extremely critical of the Chinese Communist Party.
Jim Swift / The Bulwark:   Tuned Out Voters Help Trump New York Times:
Epoch Times Executive Accused of Laundering $67 Million
If you didn't know, it's a (fascist) cult:
Led by Li Hongzhi, who is viewed by adherents as a deity-like figure, Falun Gong practitioners operate a variety of organizations in the United States and elsewhere, including the dance troupe Shen Yun. They are known for their opposition to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), espousing anti-evolutionary views, opposition to homosexuality and feminism, and rejection of modern medicine, among other views described as "ultra-conservative".

The Falun Gong also operates the Epoch Media Group, which is known for its subsidiaries, New Tang Dynasty Television and The Epoch Times newspaper. The latter has been broadly noted as a politically far-right media entity, and it has received significant attention in the United States for promoting conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation, and producing advertisements for former U.S. President Donald Trump. It has also drawn attention in Europe for promoting far-right politicians, primarily in France and Germany.

Odd that none of those news outlets mentioned Falun Gong in connection w/ all this.