Sunday, June 16, 2024

Today In Sex Crimes For Jesus

What'll You Bet These Sick Fucks Are Fathers Too?

Corbin Bolies / The Daily Beast:
Trump's Spiritual Adviser Quasi-Confesses to Molesting 12-Year-Old Girl  —  HOLY MOLY  —  The senior pastor of megachurch Gateway Church said he engaged in “inappropriate sexual behavior” with a “young lady”—without noting the alleged victim was 12.  —  The pastor of one of the country's …
Mark Wingfield / Baptist News Global:
Breaking news: Paul Pressler died and the SBC said nothing  —  Herman Paul Pressler III of Houston died June 7, four days before the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, where nothing was said about his passing.  —  Pressler, who had just turned 94, was the co-architect of the so-called “conservative resurgence” in the SBC.
Shocked & horrified? Yes. Surprised that it's Xians doing it? Not in the least. No child in this country is safe from Republicans, Jesus freaks or Scouting leaders. We have to shut it all down until we figure out what's going on
kill them all & let Gawd sort them out.

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