WED 31 MAR 1943
Japanese cargo ship Nanshin Maru is sunk in collision with Ona Maru west of Oshima, off Hakata, Honshu, 34°13'N, 133°06'E.
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Two Ships Collide, One Sinks
M. Bouffant
I Keep Getting "Heartbreaking Messages" From Gawd Too ...
M. Bouffant
... however, all the messages I get from Gawd/The Voice In My Head suggest I should start "killing all the phony Christians out there, before it's too late!" (Your Messaging May Vary.)
Research led us to a 1964 version, a mere (1:39:14) & apparently in the public domain. Trailer first:
I recently watched all two hrs. & 51 mins. of Terrence Malick's 1998 The Thin Red Line, which features Mr. Caviezel,& was not inspired to do anything beyond contemplating obtaining the James Jones source material from the library to figure out what in hell was going on in the movie. Which I have yet to do, & may never.Leah MarieAnn Klett / Christian News …:
Jim Caviezel Chooses Films to ‘Bring Most Souls to Christ’ After Heartbreaking Message From God
Scott Morefield / The Daily Caller: Jim Caviezel Gives The Most Politically Incorrect Reasons For Choosing Films To Star InThomas D. Williams, Ph.D. / Breitbart: Jim Caviezel: I Choose Films That Will ‘Bring the Most Souls to Christ’
Research led us to a 1964 version, a mere (1:39:14) & apparently in the public domain. Trailer first:
Religious News
M. Bouffant
Well, more like Xian news.
Aaron Smith / CNNMoney:
Megachurch pastor charged with defrauding elderly investors — Federal authorities have charged the pastor of a Texas megachurch and a Louisiana financial planner with defrauding elderly investors out of more than $1 million. — Kirbyjon Caldwell of Houston and Gregory Alan Smith of Shreveport …Discussion:
Nashville pastor molested at least 8 children during 20 years as church leader, police say
Discussion:Joe Jervis / Joe.My.God.: TENNESSEE: Anti-Gay Pastor Charged With Molesting Eight Children, Allegedly Asked Them To Sit On His FaceDavid G. McAfee / Friendly Atheist: Anti-Gay Pastor Charged with Molesting 8 Kids, Telling Them to Sit on His FaceNick Duffy / PinkNews: Anti-gay pastor charged with child molestation
++All-American Bandstand
M. Bouffant
Friday, March 30, 2018
Tuna Survives Depth Charges
M. Bouffant
TUE 30 MAR 1943
Submarine Tuna (SS-203) attacks Japanese convoy north of Manus, Admiralty Islands, sinks army cargo ship Kurohime Maru, 00°22'S, 147°46'E, and survives the resultant depth-charging by escort vessels.
Exodus: Movement Of Jah People
M. Bouffant
Good Friday Fuck Everything To Hell (Even If The Pope Denied Its Existence)
M. Bouffant
![]() |
Stickers. |

Pope Francis: ‘There Is No Hell’ … In another interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell does not exist and that condemned souls just “disappear.” This is a denial of the 2,000-year-old teaching of the Catholic Church about the reality of Hell and the eternal existence of the soul.

“THERE IS NO HELL” — new Francis revelation to atheist journalist just in time for Good Friday
David V Barrett / Vatican distances itself from claim that Pope doesn't believe in hell
Tre Goins-Phillips / IJR: Did Pope Francis Really Say There ‘Is No Hell?’
Joshua Gill / The Daily Caller: Vatican Denies That Pope Doesn't Believe In Hell
Fake News Notice: This reporter knows (& cares) nothing about the two outfits w/ "Catholic" in their name, but RT, The Western Journal, yada, are fake to merely biased news sites. We nonetheless suspect that isn't quite what Red Francis meant, although it's what we believe/know to be true; when one dies, one's eternal & immortal soul disappears, followed soon enough by the disappearance of one's all-too-mortal corpse.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
"Including 9 Women, 3 Nuns,
And 27 Children"
M. Bouffant
MON 29 MAR 1943
Submarine Gato (SS-212) evacuates certain military and civilian people (including 9 women, 3 nuns, and 27 children) from Teop Island, Solomons.
Submarine Gudgeon (SS-211) sinks Japanese fleet tanker Toho Maru in Makassar Strait, 00°00'N, 118°18'E, and damages tankerKyoei Maru, 00°54'N, 119°01'E.
Submarine Wahoo (SS-238) sinks Japanese auxiliary cable ship Yamabato Maru south of Kyushu, 30°26'N, 129°41'E.
German submarine U-160 torpedoes U.S. freighter William Pierce Frye, straggling from convoy HX 230, at 56°57'N, 26°15'W. Heavy seas have previously damaged most of her lifeboats, and the only serviceable one is swamped; life rafts and floats drift away from the ship. One tank landing craft (LCT) being carried as deck cargo breaks free as the ship sinks, but only seven men reach it (see 3 April).
Opening Day
M. Bouffant
L.A. Taco wallows in memory of 2011's Opening Day.
Jesus gawddamn fucking Christ I'm tired of ignorant motherfuckers.
Whole thing pretty fucking [sic]: The Dodgers & Giants came west in 1958. And I think this inane drone means "World Series", not "national pennant". Maybe he meant "National League Pennant" but that doesn't mean shit in comparison to their Series victory that yr. Note to typist: "National Championship" is for N.C.A.A. baketball teams, not baseball. And the Giants did win the National Leaagur pennant in 2002.TBT THE TIME WE FLEW A BANNER OVER DODGER STADIUM ON OPENING DAY
Flown as a favor by the Tom King Aerial flyover company, the banner caused a sensation, saying: “LA 5, SF 1, GIANTS SUCK! LATACO.COM,” in reference to each team’s national championships. The year before, San Francisco had won their first national pennant since coming to California in 1957.
Jesus gawddamn fucking Christ I'm tired of ignorant motherfuckers.
Trump Sketch
M. Bouffant
Couldn't put it better myself.
[Scholars & Rogues]At this very moment, the loneliest man in the world is sitting in his White House bedroom, endlessly clicking through cable news channels in search of flattering mentions of his name, so broken inside, so damaged that he can never truly be happy or at peace. HA HA HA HA HA
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
"Stranded Off Shiraya Zaki And Sinks"
M. Bouffant
SUN 28 MAR 1943
Submarine Tunny (SS-282) damages Japanese troopship Suwa Maru off Wake Island, 19°13'N, 166°34'E; to prevent her from sinking, Suwa Maru is run aground off Wake's southern shore (near the wrecks of two patrol boats beached there on 23 December 1941) (see 5 April and 27 July).
Japanese cargo ship Funakawa Maru is stranded off Shiraya Zaki and sinks, 41°22'N, 141°22'E.
Racist Witch Of The Month
M. Bouffant
Cracker opens yap, is suspended from her job fucking up young people.
Oh, do enlighten us, not-a-racist fool. And then turn green & die.College professor on leave after viral video shows her telling family 'go back to your home country'
On Monday, Olson said in an email to the Daily Pilot that she was "not in a good place emotionally after receiving so many disgusting emails …. for something that wasn't even racist and was then skewed by a guy named Tony who filmed me without my permission."
Olson said that in a part of the video that was not posted online, Kao asked her why she "hated him so much." She responded that she didn't hate him, she said.
Kao could not be reached for comment this week.
On Sunday, Olson told KCBS-TV/2 that her students know she is not a racist.
"I feel my perspective will be twisted if discussing the skewed video which cut out part of the incident," she said in a statement to the station. "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European Americans, then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
River Of Shit At Stadium
M. Bouffant
Final exhibition game called after five innings on account of sewage spewing in the Dodger dugout (What is this, the Oakland–Alameda County Coliseum?); Dodgers beat Angels, 4-3.
How Orange County Treats
The Least Among Us
M. Bouffant
Give me half a chance & I will kill this bastard Rohrabacher w/ my bare hands.
And every one of the other rancid pukes in this article deserves to die as well. Orange County must burn!!
They're mentally ill, you son-of-a-bitch! How can they be expected to make the "right decisions", like Rohrabacher's decision to sell himself to Putin?The proposal, however, never got off the ground, with residents and city leaders erupting with outrage and threatening litigation. An overflow crowd descended on the board meeting Tuesday, many chanting and waving signs decrying the proposed tent shelters. Elected officials and residents also hurled criticism at the board over the tent proposal.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach, urged the county to appeal any orders from U.S. District Judge David O. Carter pushing for the relocation of transients from the riverbed and the Plaza of the Flags area next to the Central Justice Center courthouse in Santa Ana.
Rohrabacher even opposed the county spending $70.5 million of its grant money to help provide shelter and services for mentally ill transients.
“This is exactly the wrong thing to do,” Rohrabacher said. “They need to make decisions in their lives, and by feeding them and giving them housing you’re taking away the pressure on them to make good decisions in their lives. … We should be taking (Carter’s) orders and appealing it all the way up to the Supreme Court.”
The congressman added, “We have to first take care of those human beings who have made the right decisions.”
And every one of the other rancid pukes in this article deserves to die as well. Orange County must burn!!
"Position Unspecified"
M. Bouffant
SAT 27 MAR 1943
PBYs damage Asaka Maru, position unspecified.
Naval Air Facility, Natal, Brazil, and Naval Operating Facilities at Victoria, Florianopolis, Fortaleza, Maceio, Recife, Rio Grande do Sul, Santos, and Sao Luiz, Brazil, are established.
Coast Guard cutter CG-85006 (ex-motor boat Catamount) is sunk by explosion off Long Island, New York.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Daylight Surface Action
M. Bouffant
FRI 26 MAR 1943
Battle of the Komandorski Islands: TG 16.6 (Rear Admiral Charles H. McMorris), comprising one heavy cruiser, one light cruiser, and four destroyers, outfights and repulses a Japanese force of two heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, and four destroyers (Rear Admiral Hosogaya Boso) escorting two transports with reinforcements for Kiska, Aleutians. In this daylight surface action, heavy cruiser Salt Lake City (CA-25) is damaged by gunfire from heavy cruisers Maya and Nachi and light cruiser Abukuma, 52°47'N, 172°45'E, but damages Nachi in return; destroyers Bailey (DD-492) and Coghlan (DD-606) are also damaged by gunfire, 53°20'N, 168°36'E.
PBYs and USAAF B-24s bomb Nauru Island, South Pacific.
Naval Operating Facility, Belem, Brazil, is established.
Escort carrier Bogue (CVE-9) operates in support of convoy SC 123; her aircraft keep U-443 and U-415 down and prevent their attacking the convoy.
Very Neat, Clean & Orderly
M. Bouffant
Impressive cab ride through beautiful model railway
Same Shit, Different Day
M. Bouffant
It's science, bitches, & it says you're going to die, & quite possibly sooner than you expect/hope.
[Attention to the Unseen]Land degradation by human activities pushing Earth into sixth mass extinction and undermining well-being of 3.2 billion people
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Another Pretty Thing Dead On The
End Of The Shaft Of The Zen Archer
M. Bouffant
Barring medical advances I doubt if I have (or want) more than 20 yrs. (max.) left in this world of shit & pain;
now I'm wondering if le déluge will wait until après moi. Sorry, younger people who will be drowning in their own effluvia soon enough; we scraped the planet raw w/ the best of intentions, to make a better world (And maybe a little profit, heh-heh.) for you unfortunate bastards. Funny how, in the course of human events, things always seem to work out like that.
now I'm wondering if le déluge will wait until après moi.
Remember the bees? The Euros are killing all flying insects now, a contributing factor in the bird decline.
- Environment
‘Shocking’ decline in birds across Europe due to pesticide use, say scientists
New figures reveal decline in farmland birds at a 'level approaching an ecological catastrophe'
Stupid jerks poisoned the golden-egg-laying goose for one fucking goose-egg omelet.The research comes after scientists warned of an “ecological Armageddon” last year when a study revealed flying insect numbers had plummeted by 75 per cent in Germany.
Scientists say there is an overall decline in European bird numbers, and this is likely the result of the lack of flying insects – a major source of food – which itself is thought to result from the overuse of pesticide.
Sorry, No Yankee Naval Action
Today 75 Yrs. Ago
M. Bouffant
Canceled due to apathy, no doubt.
M. Bouffant
Does this mean alleged-to-be the dumbest man on the iNternet & Catholic Hoft is going to hell? Hear our prayers, O Lord of Israel!Philip Pullella / Reuters:
Keep shouting, don't become anesthetized, pope tells young people — VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis, starting Holy Week services leading to Easter, urged young people on Sunday to keep shouting and not allow the older generations to silence their voices or anesthetize their idealism.Discussion:
Sunday Cinema Soundtrack Series
M. Bouffant
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Not Much To Report
M. Bouffant
WED 24 MAR 1943
Operating in the Yellow Sea near Port Arthur, submarine Wahoo (SS-238) sinks Japanese merchant passenger-cargo ship Teisho Maru at 39°01'N, 122°25'E, cargo ship Takaosan Maru at 38°13'N, 123°24'E and cargo ship Satsuki Maru, 38°10'N, 123°26'E.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Circling Torpedo
M. Bouffant
TUE 23 MAR 1943
Open lighter YC-869 sinks after grounding off Imperial Beach, California.
Submarine Kingfish (SS-234) is damaged by depth charges off Formosa, 26°20'N, 121°55'E, and is forced to terminate her patrol.
Submarine Whale SS-239) sinks Japanese transport Ken'yo Maru about 130 miles northwest of Saipan, 17°20'N, 145°00'E; one of Whale's torpedoes circles back toward her, forcing the boat to "go deep" but then heads back and hits the target.
Naval Station and Naval Air Facility are established at Arzeu, Algeria; Advanced Amphibious Training Bases are established at Port Lyautey, Morocco, and at Nemours, Tenes, Beni Saf, and Mostaganem in Algeria.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Getcher Motor Runnin',
Head Out On The Highway ...
M. Bouffant
... Lookin' For Adventure & Whatever Comes Our Way
When will someone give me a gun & some ammo to fight morons & crazy people on the highway (& virtually everywhere else)?Travis Andersen /
Winthrop man, 70, allegedly carried assault rifle in vehicle to fight ‘jihadists on the highway’
Darwin Award Awarded, Posthumously
M. Bouffant
Really showed her, didn't he?A 47-year-old man found dead in a car Thursday on the shoulder of the northbound San Gabriel River (605) Freeway in Norwalk suffered his fatal injury when he punched a plate glass window during an earlier domestic dispute, investigators said.
The death was reported at 1:13 a.m. on the right shoulder of the freeway at the Firestone Boulevard exit, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
Authorities withheld the name of the man, who was in his 40s, pending family notification.
An autopsy was pending, but sheriff’s officials said the man appeared to have bled to death.
“Preliminary investigation has revealed that the (man) … was involved in a domestic disturbance at his residence in the city of Norwalk earlier in the evening,” according to the Sheriff’s Information Bureau. “During the course of that incident, the decedent punched a plate-glass window, which caused a laceration to his left arm, subsequently severing his artery. After the laceration, the decedent entered his vehicle and drove away from the location. His wound caused him to bleed profusely. Detectives believe he drove to the 605 Freeway and eventually expired.”
California Highway Patrol officers were in the area and saw what appeared to be a disabled car on the freeway shoulder.
“The officers stopped to render assistance, and upon approaching the vehicle discovered an unconscious male adult inside,” according to the CHP.
The officers called paramedics, who pronounced the man dead at the scene.
"... Resultant Depth-Charging"
M. Bouffant
MON 22 MAR 1943
Submarine Gudgeon (SS-211) attacks Japanese convoy 30 miles north of Surabaya, Java, sinking army cargo ship Meigen Maru, 06°31'S, 112°47'E, and survives the resultant depth-charging by escort vessels.
Submarine Tambor (SS-198) damages Japanese transport Bugen Maru in the Sulu Sea, off Negros, P.I., 08°58'N, 123°08'E.
USAAF aircraft (1st Antisubmarine Squadron) sink German submarine U-524 north of Canary Islands, 30°15'N, 18°13'W.
USAAF heavy bombers raid Wilhelmshaven U-boat pens, sinking German tanker Eurosee.
World's Largest Collection Of Human Garbage (Texas) Only Half The Size Of Pacific's Plastic Garbage Patch
M. Bouffant
Humanoids To Planet: "Fuck Your Bitch Ass!"Angry Samoans - "Garbage Pit"
France, Texas ... same thing, really.Doyle Rice / USA Today:
World's largest collection of ocean garbage is now twice the size of Texas — The world's largest collection of ocean garbage is growing. — The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a collection of plastic, floating trash located halfway between Hawaii and California, has grown to more than 600,000 square miles …Discussion:
Here Comes World War III, In Person!
M. Bouffant
Now we're all dead, so let's get that war started!!McMaster to Resign as National Security Adviser, and Will Be Replaced by John Bolton
Everything Sucks; I'm Betting It's Entirely Your Fault
M. Bouffant
Earlier in your world of shit & pain:
Yup, fuck everything to hell remains the operating philosophy in this timeline. I wish Trump would fuck up more shit, & sooner; waiting for the final collapse/WWIII is boring me limp.EARLIER ITEMS:Nice. Where do they find these people, & why?WXIA-TV:
13-year-old arrested for ‘disgusting’ terroristic voicemails against Cobb NAACPDiscussion:
Good idea. Keep them sun-baked sonsabitches the hell outta paradise here.Rebecca Savransky / The Hill:
GOP lawmaker: ‘We might need to build a wall between California and Arizona’
Red state retards.
Fired for the truth; apparently the First Amendment now stops at the schoolhouse door.Alene Tchekmedyian / Los Angeles Times:
Pico Rivera teacher who bashed military fired by school board, president saysDiscussion:Benjamin Brown / Fox News: Teacher who called military ‘lowest of the low’ is firedKatherine Rodriguez / Breitbart: Southern California Teacher Who Called Military Members ‘Dumbshits’ Is Fired
Sure, it's murder if it was a white woman. Moral: Don't call the police, they'll kill you.
And in Trumpy stuff, the usual corruption & stupidity from the usual gang of idiots:Of course it did. Where else could it go?Michelle Ye Hee Lee / Washington Post:
Republican National Committee spent big at Trump properties in February, filings show"Christ, what an asshole."Alan M. Dershowitz / The Hill:
Trump is right: The special counsel should never have been appointed"Christ, what an asshole."
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Sub Vs. Sub
M. Bouffant
SUN 21 MAR 1943
Submarine Herring (SS-233) sinks German submarine U-163, Bay of Biscay, 44°13'N, 08°23'W.
Submarine Finback (SS-230) damages Japanese transport (ex-aircraft tender) Sanuki Maru south of the Carolines, 07°40'N, 139°48'E.
Submarine Scamp (SS-277) damages Japanese transport Manju Maru off east coast of Honshu, 41°45'N, 142°14'E.
Submarine Wahoo (SS-238), operating in the Yellow Sea off Korea, sinks Japanese merchant cargo ships Hozan Maru, 38°11'N, 124°33'E and Nittsu Maru, 38°05'N, 124°33'E.
Culture Corner
M. Bouffant
Compare & contrast:"Lost in Space" Network Sales Presentation
Lost in Space | Netflix Lost in Space | Featurette: The Robinsons' Journey | Netflix
Makin' A List, Checkin' It Twice ...
M. Bouffant
Good job, home-schooling mother! Nice "mission trip" he took. We're all so proud!Officials, who discovered a bomb-making room in Conditt's home in the Austin suburb of Pfluegerville, still haven't offered any theories for why Conditt embarked on a bombing campaign that left two dead, four injured and an entire city unnerved.
But they discovered at least one chilling piece of evidence after the hunt was over: a "target list" with "additional addresses we believe he was using for future targets," McCaul said.
Even now, with a roadmap, figuring out a reason Conditt picked the targets he did is difficult. "It's hard to make any rhyme or reason out of the victims," McCaul said.
Bleat Of The Day
M. Bouffant
Big talk from a big queen in a cowboy hat who wore a bunch of phony medals on his Sheriff-boy drag outfit. #SheriffRuPaul
— M. Bouffant (@MBouffant) March 21, 2018
M. Bouffant
It's cold-blooded murder; stop killing us, pigs!!
Sacramento Bee:
Police fired 20 times at South Sacramento man fatally shot while holding a cellphone — Stephan Clark was holding only his cellphone when he was fatally shot Sunday night by two Sacramento police officers who fired at him 20 times, the department said Tuesday.Discussion:Megan Cerullo / New York Daily News: Unarmed black man shot to death in own backyard after police mistake cell phone for weaponMelanie Schmitz / ThinkProgress: Police fired at unarmed Black man 20 times because he was holding a cell phoneScott Shackford / Hit & Run: Minneapolis Cop Finally Charged for Killing Unarmed Woman Who Merely Surprised Him Last SummerTracybloomktla / KTLA: Sacramento Officers Fired 20 Times at Unarmed Man Who Was Fatally Shot in Family's Backyard …Katelyn Stark / FOX40: Community Members Demand Answers from City Officials Following Officer-Involved Shooting
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Another Dud Torpedo
M. Bouffant
SAT 20 MAR 1943
Brazilian merchantman Baje rescues 27 survivors of freighter Roger B. Taney, that had been sunk by U-225 on 7 February.
District patrol craft YP-438 sinks after running aground on submerged breakwater at entrance to Port Everglades, Florida.
Submarine Sawfish (SS-276) sinks Japanese guardboat Shinsei Maru in the northern Pacific, 32°55'N, 152°11'E.
Submarine Scamp (SS-277) damages Japanese merchant cargo ship Seinan Maru off Tomari, 41°06'N, 141°26'E.
Submarine Trigger (SS-237) damages Japanese gunboat Choan Maru off the Admiralties, 03°44'N, 144°12'E, with a dud torpedo.
Back Again!
M. Bouffant
Monday, March 19, 2018
Another Luckenbach Lost
M. Bouffant
FRI 19 MAR 1943
Submarine Kingfish (SS-234) sinks Japanese army hospital ship Takachiko Maru in Formosa Strait, 26°00'N, 122°18'E.
Submarine Sawfish (SS-276) damages Japanese guardboat Shinsei Maru, southeast of Japan, 32°54'N, 152°11'E.
Submarine Wahoo (SS-238), operating in the Yellow Sea, sinks Japanese merchant cargo ship Zogen Maru just east of Dairen, Kwantung Peninsula, Manchukuo, 38°29'N, 122°19'E, and damages merchant cargo ship Kowa Maru, 38°27'N, 122°18'E.
USAAF A-20s damage Japanese submarine I-176 as she is unloading at Lae, New Guinea. I-176, however, is able to continue her voyage to Rabaul.
German U-boat onslaught against Atlantic convoys continues: U.S. freighter Mathew Luckenbach departs convoy HX 229, believing her chances greater of completing the voyage independently than in company with other ships, but runs afoul of U-527 in the vicinity of SC 122. U-527 torpedoes Mathew Luckenbach at 54°20'N, 25°07'W; Coast Guard cutter Ingham (WPG-35) rescues the freighter's entire complement (42 merchant sailors and a 26-man Armed Guard). Subsequently, U-523 administers the coup de grâce to Mathew Luckenbach. With the loss of Mathew Luckenbach and Greek freighter Carras (a straggler from SC 122) to U-533 on this date, German U-boats will break off operations against SC 122 and HX 229 and conclude what is regarded as the largest convoy battle of the war. Despite the valiant efforts of the escorts, the merchantmen suffer heavy losses.
[May 19th according to some sources]
Axis planes bomb shipping in Oran harbor; U.S. freighter Examiner is damaged by near-misses that kill one Armed Guard sailor [Rafael Santiago] and wound six (an additional Armed Guard sailor is killed on shore during the raid). Merchant casualties amount to three crewmen wounded on board ship and one killed while ashore.
Monday In The Morass
M. Bouffant
As noted yesterday, the McConnell-Chao Crime Family:
Erick Erickson /
Why Roger Ailes Took Me Off Fox News
Discussion:Joe Cunningham / RedState: McConnell and Chao: As Corrupt As The ClintonsSam Dorman / IJR: Conservative Pundit Claims Elaine Chao Effectively Pressured Fox News To Limit His Appearances
Second Amendment Shoots Both Ways!
M. Bouffant
It's perfectly O.K. if you're a Republican Senate candidate from Nevada, or any kind of right-wing nut job. But, hypocrites that they are, if anyone to the left of Attila the Hun suggests watering the tree of liberty w/ the blood of Republican scum, suddenly it's another story.
Jimmy Cliff - "Hypocrites"
They made their beds, now they'll die in them.Carl Campanile / New York Post:
Congressman suggests Second Amendment as means of opposing Trump — A Democratic congressman from Long Island implied that Americans should grab weapons and oppose President Trump by force, if the commander-in-chief doesn't follow the Constitution. — Rep. Tom Suozzi made the remark …Discussion:
Eric Garcia / Roll Call: Suozzi Suggests Using the ‘Second Amendment’ on TrumpKyle Becker / The Daily Caller: Dem. Rep. Suggests Using Second Amendment To Take Up Arms Against TrumpJohn Cicchitti / NTK Network: Dem Rep Encourages Citizens to Take Up Arms Against TrumpRELATED:
German Operations Continue II:
Train To The East
M. Bouffant
Naturally the Boche would take to this sort of thing like the Yanks did.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
German Operations Continue
M. Bouffant
THU 18 MAR 1943
As German operations against Allied convoys continue, destroyer Babbitt (DD-128) reinforces the escort for HX 229 and Coast Guard cutter Ingham (WPG-35) SC 122. U-221 attacks HX 229 and torpedoes U.S. freighter Walter Q. Gresham at 53°39'N, 27°53'W; British corvettes HMS Pennywort and HMS Anemone rescue 42 survivors (23 merchant seamen and five of the 26-man Armed Guard perish with the ship).
M. Bouffant
Death To The Rent-Seeking Parasites!!
To the tumbrils w/ these mother-fucking sons-of-bitches!Bernard Condon / Associated Press:
AP Exclusive: Kushner Cos. filed false documents with NYC — NEW YORK (AP) — When the Kushner Cos. bought three apartment buildings in a gentrifying neighborhood of Queens in 2015, most of the tenants were protected by special rules that prevent developers from pushing them out, raising rents and turning a tidy profit.
Side note to the corporate entity that "owns" the dump in which I live: Try to fuck w/ me again, bitches, & a certain corporate office in Century City will be dripping w/ blood.
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