Friday, March 16, 2018

Friday Fuck Everything Freak-Out

NYT, 2006, via Political Wire:
“I’m at this fashion show,” Vanessa Trump said, recalling their meeting in 2003. “Donald Trump comes up to me with his son: ‘Hi, I’m Donald Trump. I wanted to introduce you to my son Donald Trump Jr.’”

The three engaged in a brief, awkward conversation.

At intermission, the elder Trump again noticed a gorgeous girl nearby.

“Donald comes back up to me again, ‘I don’t think you’ve met my son Donald Trump Jr.,’” Vanessa Trump recalled. She remembers responding, “Yeah, we just met, five minutes ago.”

Six weeks later, at a birthday party at a New York restaurant, they were introduced a third time, this time by a mutual friend. Neither remembered the other. “We talked for an hour,” she recalled.

Then suddenly, something clicked: Wait, you were at that fashion show. Wait, you’re “the one with the retarded dad!” Vanessa blurted out.
Retarded? Senile? Demented? Is Junior so scared of girls his daddy had to introduce him to likely victims? And are both Junior & the soon-to-be-ex-Mrs. Junior so unimpressive & dense they couldn't even remember each other?

Only the best greatest finest & most stable minds, you know.

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