THU 29 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter Cold Harbor is detained at Gibraltar by British authorities.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Nothing New For Leap Day
M. Bouffant
C.S.I.: Third & Western II
M. Bouffant
I suppose this will be iNterpreted as a call to destroy all cars, their drivers & the fossil-fuel industry. It is. Are you just going to wait until you've been run over & power-washed from the sidewalk?
Today In "Free" Speech
& Police Terror
M. Bouffant
The rat bastard who knows my secret identity & sent the fucking L.A.P.D. to pound on my door to check on me because I express myself honestly & truthfully in this space can go fuck him or herself.Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. H. L. Mencken
US editor (1880 - 1956)
Unlike you, schmuck, I'm not so foolish as to advertise when I'm ready. (My chief element is surprise. Also, I'm a disembodied iNternet entity & couldn't hold a gun if I wanted to.) So why don't you call the F.B.I. now, filthy nanny-state coward? Afraid to give me a call & check? Completely lacking a sense of humor or comprehension of hyperbole? You could call the police & point out the millions of outrages actually committed by society's capitalist criminals every day of the wk. & hear their non-response before condemning me for suggesting direct action is the only solution, you know.
Christ, what a chicken-shit asshole! Your entirely bogus concern in not in the least bit appreciated. (Are you trying to make me angrier? That might not be a good move.)
Also in alienated people who hate your smug world of shit & pain. Not my hero.
And I'll just note in passing that as I type this terrorist threat-making asshole Vanderbilt Coach Kevin Stallings is being paid to coach a basketball game. Fuck you. My resolve is tripled.
What's The Matter W/ Kansas?
M. Bouffant
Bullshit morality, that's what:
But Tea Party conservatives proceed from a radically different set of assumptions. Their view of the economy is not pragmatic but deeply moralistic. They do not see it as primarily a system within which actors pursue their personal ends; they see it as a stage on which selves confront the worldly consequences of their fallen nature. Work is not a matter of self-expression or self-fulfillment; it is an ordeal, a trial. It tests our ability to accept the burdens of struggle and privation imposed on us by original sin. For the Tea Party, economic life is merely another instance of spiritual judgment. Attempts to ameliorate hardship are not simply inefficient or ineffective: they are attempts to evade the divine will, to make easy what God has made hard. And as we all arrive at the moment of judgment alone, they also tempt us into another error — that of believing that others will take our part and intercede on our behalf. They will not, because they cannot. God comes to each of us singly, in isolation. Human efforts to pretend otherwise — the safety net, the welfare state — are always destructive of character and doomed to failure. They may fill our stomachs and lighten our labors, but in doing so they endanger and pervert our souls. (Neglect of the deeply moralistic nature of right-wing economic thought lurks behind many of Thomas Frank’s perplexities about the (allegedly) paradoxical behavior of voters out in the Heartland. Frank thinks they vote against their own self-interest, and is puzzled. But they take a very different view of the selves whose interests Frank wants them to promote. The short answer to “What’s the matter with Kansas?” is: Kansans.)[Salon]
Friday, February 27, 2015
Sundance Detained
M. Bouffant
TUE 27 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter Sundance is detained at Gibraltar by British authorities.
M. Bouffant
Enough, you rat bastard mother-fuckers. I merely state to a member of management at Nazi shit-hole Borders Books Music Videos + A Cafe "I have to get out of this place before I kill someone" & I'm suspended for a wk. until the brain-dead local corporate drones can consult w/ the other fucking Nazis in Ann Arbor about firing me, which they did because they're fucking cowards I should have shot like rabid dogs.
But some cocksucker in a suit & a position of authority threatens his player/unpaid employee/student-athlete/slave w/ a very explicit threat & he is not even suspended? "Sportsmanship"? Fuck you people, it's over! I'm not taking any shit from any of you fucking assholes any longer. Sixty+ yrs. of your Babylonian world of shit & pain is 60+ yrs. too many!
So, a decision: Fuck your pathetic bourgeois conventions of "teeth". I won't be wasting credit on bullshit dentures, but will be headed to the nearest gun store to get something better for self-defense than mere teeth. And I won't have to pay back one penny, 'cause I'll be dead or in jail before the first card finishes the billing cycle.
P.S.: Not a joke. My anger is certainly real. Luckily for the Nazi Borders managers, I can't remember any of their names, or I'd find them & teach them the price of hypocrisy. And how'd loyalty to Borders work out, losers?
I repeat: I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!
But some cocksucker in a suit & a position of authority threatens his player/unpaid employee/student-athlete/slave w/ a very explicit threat & he is not even suspended? "Sportsmanship"? Fuck you people, it's over! I'm not taking any shit from any of you fucking assholes any longer. Sixty+ yrs. of your Babylonian world of shit & pain is 60+ yrs. too many!
So, a decision: Fuck your pathetic bourgeois conventions of "teeth". I won't be wasting credit on bullshit dentures, but will be headed to the nearest gun store to get something better for self-defense than mere teeth. And I won't have to pay back one penny, 'cause I'll be dead or in jail before the first card finishes the billing cycle.
P.S.: Not a joke. My anger is certainly real. Luckily for the Nazi Borders managers, I can't remember any of their names, or I'd find them & teach them the price of hypocrisy. And how'd loyalty to Borders work out, losers?
I repeat: I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!
Today In I Don't Even Know
What To Call This Shit
M. Bouffant
Meanwhile, this grotesque & bloated loud-mouth homunculus is married to a woman whose relatives are Israel-hating supporters of terrorism.Prison? Hell, this (registered as one, anyway) Democrat doesn't even have any relatives! How stupid are you, Grover?Norquist: Democrats Only Support Criminal Justice Reform ‘Because All Their Relatives Are In Prison’
Fri. P.M. Load O' Links
M. Bouffant
Even the liberal Nation notices:
What other crap? Mmmm ... nah, too stupid ... too old ... Ah, this is good:
A pointless & empty image to wrap up our theme.
The Web of Evil guess? Probably not. (Disclosure: This reporter was a volunteer at Pacifica's Houston & Berkeley stations in the early 1970s, as if it makes a difference.)Is Pacifica Radio Worth Saving?
What other crap? Mmmm ... nah, too stupid ... too old ... Ah, this is good:
In general, not for the last five hrs. of Leonard Nimoy Tweets.Trending Deaths
The most trending news about people passing away as collected by Trendolizer
A pointless & empty image to wrap up our theme.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Spruance Appears
M. Bouffant
MON 26 FEB 1940
Captain Raymond A. Spruance relieves Commander Reuben L. Walker as Commandant Tenth Naval District.
U.S. passenger liner Washington is detained at Gibraltar by British authorities.
Why We Fight, Vols. 1-80
M. Bouffant
WARNING: Castrato on the left breaks into "The Star-Speckled Banner" after the rabbi finishes comparing their struggle to Holocaust victims or something, & that's as far as we got.
Creepy Paranoid A-Hole Convention Convenes
M. Bouffant
Guessing the amount of drool generated by these cretins could raise sea level were it released. Does the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center have to put plastic over everything, or charge added deposits for drool damage to rooms?
Education Policy. Here is an interesting factual sort of thing (We type "factual" because it's from POLITICO, & was the only thing of eight worth the look.)theocratssocial conservatives. Do they need more specific (&, very conveniently, smaller) groups to fear & scapegoat than the libertarians w/ their more generalized contempt? Someone should look into that. Preferably w/ a painful & intrusive probe or operation of some sort.
Education Policy.
Insert Depends® Joke Here
Met with Phyllis Schlafly. Great visit. Very inspiring. She signed a copy of her book for me, “A Choice Not An Echo.”— David Vitter (@DavidVitter) February 26, 2015
Dime Store Psychology of the Right: Hatred of poor & working people in general doesn't seem to be enough for the5) Will Mike Huckabee be missed? Or are there no longer enough social conservatives at CPAC to care?Many social conservatives have felt increasingly marginalized at CPAC. What used to be a true big-tent event has been hijacked by libertarians, they believe. And the president of the pro-gay marriage Log Cabin Republicans will be speaking on a panel this year.
Those are some of the reasons why there are several more conferences and cattle calls for “values voters” than there used to be in Washington. And now that CPAC isn’t the only game in town any more, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee can justify skipping it.
The llamas are surrounded by @MaricopaSheriff deputies. Watch it all LIVE here:
— FOX 10 Phoenix (@FOX10Phoenix) February 26, 2015
Today In "Really?"
M. Bouffant
Th' heck? People still take cocaine? Really? Dude, the Disco Era was over by the time you were born (1981).Report: Josh Hamilton Had Relapse Involving "At Least Cocaine"
Mr. Hamilton, for the non-cognoscenti, plays the outfield for the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (We just like typing that.) & we of course wish him the best in sobering his sorry lame ass up, all wiseacre-y aside. Really.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Clark Terry
M. Bouffant
Gah. Electricity off three or four times today, unsure if it's the gentrifiers (each time they start their saw the voltage drops) or just L.A. fading into nothing. Also, loud-mouthed fools everywhere; into the time machine, then, for an almost 50-yr. old musical blast from the past (Not a cure but may temporarily relieve some symptoms of existential agony.) featuring recently late Clark Terry, via. Seems like yesterday, dunnit?
C.S.I: Third & Western
M. Bouffant
Last Sat. there was a shelter at this bus stop, as evidenced in a December 2014 image (which happens to be ©2015 Google):No more.Didn't take Sherlock Holmes to make an educated guess.Just about where the people in the reference photo above are sitting.
French At It Too
M. Bouffant
SUN 25 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter West Camargo is stopped by unidentified French cruiser off north coast of Venezuela, 11°30'N, 66°20'W; French make no attempt to board but only request information "where from, where bound, and what cargo" before allowing the merchantman to proceed after a 20 minute delay.
U.S. freighter Exochorda is detained for several hours at Gibraltar by British authorities, but is allowed to proceed.
Wrasslin' Report
M. Bouffant
"Nature Boy" Ric flair hit 66 today, so here is some crap about him.
Today In Idaho
M. Bouffant
JesusFuckingChrist, lookit this death-worshiping bee-otch!!
Here's a Constitutional question: Can an American State be forced to secede? Regular legal question: Manslaughter or homicide?In a deeply religious section of Idaho, a Republican state representative says that the state has no right to protect children from their parents who refuse them needed medical treatment in favor of faith healing.
“Children do die,” says Rep. Christy Perry. And it’s fine with her if Idaho children die in the name of God. Perry’s district includes many followers of a religious cult, Followers of Christ, that eschews medicine. She says that the sect’s members are more comfortable confronting death when it happens to their children.
“I’m not trying to sound callous, but [people calling for reform] want to act as if death is an anomaly. But it’s not. It’s a way of life,” she says.
Perry says that a proposed ban on faith-healing would violate the religious rights of her constituents. The legislation, which would limit faith exemptions for medical care in the state’s child neglect law was proposed after a string of preventable child deaths in Perry’s district. The 12 who died were children of sect members. Most of the children died from causes like pneumonia, sepsis and easily treatable cases of food poisoning.
But Perry argues that it’s well within the Canyon County sect’s First Amendment right to refuse medical care for their children on religious grounds. She says those trying to reform the laws are denying the sect their religious freedoms.
“Is it really because these children are dying more so than other children, or is this really about an attack on a religion you don’t agree with?” Perry told Aljazeera.
On her website, Perry ironically proclaims that she's "a pro life mother and grandmother and emphasizes her honor and value of all human life, born and unborn." Perry also claims she's "an ardent supporter of defending each child’s right to life."
Over the past 20 years, only six states have had children die due to their parents refusing them medical treatment in deference to faith healing. Idaho has the dubious distinction of having laws on the books that allowed a dozen children to die from easily treatable medical conditions in the past several years. Currently, Idaho’s law contains a religious exemption that allows parents from religious groups to use prayer as a substitute treatment for illnesses.
Former members of the group and their families are saying that the number of children who have died is far greater than what is being reported, and a coroner Vicki DeGeus-Morris, says she stopped performing autopsies on the children from the sect altogether.
“You can’t beat a child,” Linda Martin, a former sect member told Aljazeera. “To sit there and do absolutely nothing for a child except pray for them and watch them suffer? That’s just inhumane.”
Democracy At Work, In Its "Home"
M. Bouffant
The problem isn’t simply that the troika wants Greece to balance the budget; it wanted Greece to balance the budget by lowering wages and by imposing austerity on the labor force. But instead, the terms in which Varoufakis has suggested balancing the budget are to impose austerity on the financial class, on the tycoons, on the tax dodgers. And he said, okay, instead of lowering pensions to the workers, instead of shrinking the domestic market, instead of pursuing a self-defeating austerity, we’re going to raise two and a half billion from the powerful Greek tycoons. We’re going to collect the back taxes that they have. We’re going to crack down on illegal smuggling of oil and the other networks and on the real estate owners that have been avoiding taxes, because the Greek upper classes have become notorious for tax dodging.
More recently,I have enough credit now that I could git me sum GUNZNAMMO, too!! Take that as a threat if you like, Fascist Bureau of Idiots who can't keep us safe from anything but the First Amendment!SaidakhmetovBouffant expressed his intent to buy a machine gun and shootpolice officers and FBI agentsbankers & other economic terrorists if thwarted in his plan tojoin (ISIS) in Syriadestroy all civilization by typing angry stuff all over the iNternet.
[The Real News/CBSNEWS]
See You Later, White People!
M. Bouffant
JAMAICA LAWMAKERS DECRIMINALIZEGoing out to buy my ticket now. I'll send you honkie losers a post card.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
All Over Again
M. Bouffant
SAT 24 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter Scottsburg is detained for several hours at Malta by British authorities, but is allowed to proceed the same day.
Right-Wing Nut-Job Backgrounder
M. Bouffant
The rest of the story/The More You Know/I.C.Y.M.I.: We refer you to this item from some ten mos. ago concerning latest desert state idiot legislator, the pride of Nevada's Fourth District, Michele Fiore. You know, the cancer is a fungus, use bicarb on it lady. Oh, did we type "lady?"Heh. Honest mistake.
Only saw this as a headline, & did not realize she was the one so worried about the "hot little girls". Because no one who wasn't young hot & little has ever been raped?
Other legislatin' loons of the Intermountain West who've been in the sun long enough to be tetched in the haid & recently made the news include Wyoming's "When hell freezes over, homos!!" guy who got a mention here, & Idaho's own anatomical ace Vito Barbieri. (No more an American name then Rodolfo Giuliani. Was Vito brought up to love this country?)
Just, I dunno, wear a hat or something when you're outside, representatives of the people, or the little that is left of your brains is going to evaporate.
Only saw this as a headline, & did not realize she was the one so worried about the "hot little girls". Because no one who wasn't young hot & little has ever been raped?
Other legislatin' loons of the Intermountain West who've been in the sun long enough to be tetched in the haid & recently made the news include Wyoming's "When hell freezes over, homos!!" guy who got a mention here, & Idaho's own anatomical ace Vito Barbieri. (No more an American name then Rodolfo Giuliani. Was Vito brought up to love this country?)
Just, I dunno, wear a hat or something when you're outside, representatives of the people, or the little that is left of your brains is going to evaporate.
Nation Of Sheep
Fucking Wage-Slaves
Your Bosses Will Work You
'Til You're In Your Graves!
M. Bouffant
And you'll fucking deserve it, too. Note the footage from Selma, Alabam, near the end. Happened 50 yrs. ago 7 March (a wk. from this Sat.).
ADDED LABOR LINK (1425):Awarded Stolen Wages,
It's kill or be killed! What are you sheep waiting for, the doors of the slaughterhouse?But something began to change in the 1980s. With the arrival of globalization and the Information Age, corporate stability gave way to rapid, unpredictable change. Corporations no longer saw workers as loyal partners and creative beings in a productive enterprise. Instead, they became commoditized assets on a balance sheet to be acquired and discarded to suit changing fortunes.
Meanwhile, corporations began to see the term “personnel” as synonymous with the support of employees and new workplace efficiency techniques such as Six Sigma created a need for corporate compliance overseers. So, those who were once responsible for advocating for employees were now embedded with management, becoming cold wardens of the workplace.
The rebranding of "personnel" to “human resources” signaled that employees were now resources to be managed like any other capital, such as finances, office equipment and property. Like a copy machine, it suggested that humans were to be used as much as possible and discarded when they wore out or their usefulness came to an end.
Awarded Stolen Wages,
Workers Struggle to Collect
Another Open Letter
M. Bouffant
Note well that this reporter has never lied or fibbed about, & never fabricated or embellished his reporting experiences, combat experiences, or military service. Never lied/"cherry-picked" this nation of fucking sheep into a war, either. So fuck all the liars, in every hole in their lying bodies. W/ a splintery broomstick!
Halfnour later: Not the only honorable web-logger, either!
Halfnour later: Not the only honorable web-logger, either!
Monday, February 23, 2015
First, Terrorists In Our Malls,
Now We Must Be Scared In Our
Public Restrooms
M. Bouffant
We kid you not:
"They’re in our public restrooms today,” he said about transgender people. “The fear is just that. It’s crazy.”And who would that he be? Why, a Crank, it appears.
To assuage people’s fears, former Wyoming Attorney General Pat Crank also suggested an amendment – a version of which the committee adopted – that stated SF115 cannot be used as a defense if someone’s caught misbehaving in a bathroom.Also, the rest of the story, or what the Casper Star-Tribune thought was the headline-grabber:
Rep. Harlan Edmonds, R-Cheyenne, was kicked out of the House Labor, Health and Social Services meeting Friday, after proposing an amendment to the bill that would make it effective when “hell freezes over,” instead of the date of July 1.Rep. Edmonds wants you to know he's a Christian, in case you think Reformed Presbyterianism is some devil-worshiping stuff:
Religion: Reformed Presbyterian/ChristianWho says Republicans don't have a sense of humor?
Déjà Vu, Encore
M. Bouffant
FRI 23 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter Lehigh is detained for several hours at Gibraltar by British authorities, but is allowed to proceed the same day.
Today In Paranoia Cont'd.
M. Bouffant
You may remember a blimp was waiting for me last Weds. The rest of the story is that w/in ten mins., when I'd walked about five blks. it had made a 180 & came right back over me.
The View From My Window
M. Bouffant
Open Letter
M. Bouffant
Hollywood phonies & social justice warriors: There will be no justice until all the rich people have been sent to hell. (That means DEAD!!)
Keep your bullshit-spewing yaps tightly shut until you're willing to shoot the wealthy on sight. Laws, justice, & just how fucking much you care mean nothing w/o action.
Keep your bullshit-spewing yaps tightly shut until you're willing to shoot the wealthy on sight. Laws, justice, & just how fucking much you care mean nothing w/o action.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The Rock, Again
M. Bouffant
THU 22 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter Sahale, detained by British authorities at Gibraltar the previous day, is released.
Third World Report
M. Bouffant
Electricity off today. Only took about two hrs. to restore, an improvement over the usual three to four hrs. Still, a return to the 20th century, even if the misery wasn't its usual length.Good thing the batteries still had a charge.
Then the monsoon started. Hope the Academy Awards are washed out.
Then the monsoon started. Hope the Academy Awards are washed out.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Today In Lawyering:
The Never-Ending Evasion
M. Bouffant
It just won't stop; sometimes it's so absurd I feel like sharing.
The headline alone is excellent evidence these buffoons really are so extreme they're beyond even self-parody; like everything from Hinderaker, Esq., I've ever stumbled across the first sentence makes me wonder just what the hell kind of a lawyer he is, & how he could possibly be good at any kind of lawyering. Because the subject suddenly of "intense interest to America's reporters" is "How/why is Rudy Giuliani such a colossal jerk? Was he raised by a hoodlum or something?" not "Is Obummer a Christian?" (Doesn't one need to understand what one has read in order to practice law?)
Nonetheless, he may be a better lawyer than I gave him credit for: Note the weaseling in the proposed evolution answer, sort of not really denying evolution, or even mentioning creationism, but a vague sop to different theories ("Teach the controversy!") of evolution. This is fun too: "It would be a full-time job to keep track of all of the scientific literature on evolution." Really? Someone's in for a surprise when they discover what you can keep track of on this new-fanglediNternetWorldWideWeb dealie.
And the concluding paragraph. Is "Don't answer anything potentially embarrassing; immediately scream bias & make it about/insult the reporter" best practice for dealing w/ the press? It's as if he knows there are no answers acceptable to both the primary voters who do "hate the news media" (not all Americans, just those lost in the loon bubble) & to, for lack of a better term, normal people, many of whom wish the media was better w/o actively "hating" it & most of whom just don't care.
Still, G.O.Presidential wanna-bes, better to be thought a weaselly jerk than to announce/admit actual beliefs & policies & thereby commit political suicide anywhere but in the reddest zones; do follow your mouthpiece's advice & fight back. Aggressively!
The headline alone is excellent evidence these buffoons really are so extreme they're beyond even self-parody; like everything from Hinderaker, Esq., I've ever stumbled across the first sentence makes me wonder just what the hell kind of a lawyer he is, & how he could possibly be good at any kind of lawyering. Because the subject suddenly of "intense interest to America's reporters" is "How/why is Rudy Giuliani such a colossal jerk? Was he raised by a hoodlum or something?" not "Is Obummer a Christian?" (Doesn't one need to understand what one has read in order to practice law?)
Suddenly, President Obama’s religious beliefs are a subject of intense interest to America’s reporters. This is a marked contrast with 2008, when Obama’s religion (“God damn America!”) was considered off limits by reporters and editors. It is odd, though: one politician who won’t be asked about Obama’s religion is the only one who plausibly could answer the question, Obama himself.It’s not just Obama’s religious beliefs, either. Ever since Rudy Giuliani ignited a firestorm by observing that Obama doesn’t seem to love America, the president’s patriotism and Communist associations, along with his religion, have been front and center. This morning, the Washington Post buttonholed Scott Walker to ask whether he thinks Obama is a Christian:Wisconsin Gov. Scott K. Walker, a prospective Republican presidential contender, said Saturday he does not know whether President Obama is a Christian.“I don’t know,” Walker said in an interview at the JW Marriott hotel in Washington, where he was attending the winter meeting of the National Governors Association.Told that Obama has frequently spoken publicly about his Christian faith, Walker maintained that he was not aware of the president’s religion.“I’ve actually never talked about it or I haven’t read about that,” Walker said, his voice calm and firm. “I’ve never asked him that,” he added. “You’ve asked me to make statements about people that I haven’t had a conversation with about that. How [could] I say if I know either of you are a Christian?”That’s not a bad answer, but Republicans need to push back more strongly against Democratic Party reporters. I would suggest something like:Dan, that is a very stupid question. And not just stupid, but inappropriate. I have never met Barack Obama. How could I possibly comment on his religious views? It would be totally inappropriate for me to do so. Why would you ask me a question like that? If President Obama’s religion is of concern to you for some reason, I suggest you ask him about it. It is not of concern to me. Now, does someone else have a more relevant question?Republican candidates should be prepared with similar answers on irrelevant topics like evolution (which was sprung on Walker when he was in England) as well as global warming, a more pertinent issue. On global warming, Republican candidates should be prepared to say things like:Given that the IPCC cut its prediction of future warming in half at the end of 2013, the science obviously is not settled.Or:Am I a climate change denier? I don’t know what you mean by that. The Earth’s climate has been changing for millions of years, and it will continue changing as long as the Earth exists. I don’t know of anyone who denies that the climate changes. It always has, and always will. You do understand that we are living in a brief warm period between ice ages, don’t you?Or:Everything you just said is based on computer models that have deliberately been created in such a way as to predict warming. But we know for a fact that those models are wrong, because they predicted significant warming between 1998 and 2014, and atmospheric measurements show that the forecasted warming hasn’t happened. So the models are useless.Or:I am not sure why you are asking me about extreme weather events. You do understand that there have been a below average number of such events in recent years, don’t you?On evolution:Evolution is a tremendously interesting subject. There are multiple theories of evolution, but none of them has been able to command a scientific consensus because they all have problems. It would be a full-time job to keep track of all of the scientific literature on evolution, and since I have been busy as Governor of Wisconsin [or whatever], I haven’t had time to do that. There are a lot of scientists who could give you better answers to such questions than I can, if you are really interested in the subject. Which I doubt.On “science”:You just used the word “science,” but I don’t think you know what it means. Science is a method, not a body of dogma. “Science” doesn’t take positions on issues of public policy. So if there is a particular set of data that you want to ask me about, you need to be more specific.In general, Republicans need to push back aggressively against the many ambushes that will be sprung by Democratic Party reporters. They need to foresee the topics that will be raised, and be prepared with answers that, where possible, make the story about the reporter and his or her bias. Republicans have this going for them: Americans hate the news media, because they correctly see it as biased, corrupt and lazy. So Republicans shouldn’t be afraid to fight back aggressively.
Nonetheless, he may be a better lawyer than I gave him credit for: Note the weaseling in the proposed evolution answer, sort of not really denying evolution, or even mentioning creationism, but a vague sop to different theories ("Teach the controversy!") of evolution. This is fun too: "It would be a full-time job to keep track of all of the scientific literature on evolution." Really? Someone's in for a surprise when they discover what you can keep track of on this new-fangled
And the concluding paragraph. Is "Don't answer anything potentially embarrassing; immediately scream bias & make it about/insult the reporter" best practice for dealing w/ the press? It's as if he knows there are no answers acceptable to both the primary voters who do "hate the news media" (not all Americans, just those lost in the loon bubble) & to, for lack of a better term, normal people, many of whom wish the media was better w/o actively "hating" it & most of whom just don't care.
Still, G.O.Presidential wanna-bes, better to be thought a weaselly jerk than to announce/admit actual beliefs & policies & thereby commit political suicide anywhere but in the reddest zones; do follow your mouthpiece's advice & fight back. Aggressively!
iNternet Catholics Hold Circle-Jerk
M. Bouffant
I thought the stupid fucking mackerel-snapping bead-rattling Catholics weren't supposed to jack off. Someone get the Pope on the horn, he needs to know about these clowns.GOV. BOBBY JINDAL Calls Mayor Giuliani to Congratulate Him on His Obama Comments
Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, February 21, 2015, 11:11 AM
Detention At The Rock
M. Bouffant
WED 21 FEB 1940
U.S. freighter Sahale is detained by British authorities at Gibraltar (see 22 February); freighter Exhibitor, detained since 17 February, is allowed to proceed.
Sat. Nite Rock-Rock Rock-Rock
Rock & Roll Lobotomy
M. Bouffant
"It's the dues you've got to pay, for eatin' burgers every day."— The Dictators
Meaning that Marky is not not not an original Ramone, no matter the headline of this probably worth reading if you're the sort who likes that sort of thing interview.Joey Ramone died in 2001, Dee Dee overdosed in 2002, Johnny lost his battle with prostate cancer two years later and only last year, founding drummer Tommy passed away.
Meaning also that all the Ramones are dead, yet only half the Beatles & Who each & not even half the Stones (even counting founding member Ian Stewart).Can we talk a bit about the Voidoids? Specifically Bob Quine? He might be my favorite guitar player. His stuff on those two Lou Reed records, “New York” and “The Blue Mask.” Also, the big Matthew Sweet record (“Girlfriend”) and obviously “Blank Generation.” Nobody sounded like him and nobody sounds like him today.
He came out of the box. Out of the cage. He really let loose with his Stratocaster. He knew how to play it properly.
Blame New York?
National Greatness Of A
Pin-Dick Nation
M. Bouffant
![]() |
Yrs. of therapy will be needed. |
New Union Station Policy:
Bums Fuck Off!
M. Bouffant
T.L.; D.R. Linx
M. Bouffant
The Sheriff's Dep't. in WeHo are a buncha pigs. You know, allegedly, according to some guy w/ a web-log.
Annals of Publishing: Ninety yrs.of The New Yorker.
Can't Stop The "Grunge": L-7 back in action.
Morbidity Report: June Fairchild, Gazzarri Dancer, at 68.
Up in the air, junior birdmen: More horse pucky from above from the unnecessary third arm of the armed forces.
Marcy Wheeler hates America, as everyrightcorrect-thinking person should. Hollywood hate here, too. This visual aid is from the previous link.
Annals of Publishing: Ninety yrs.of The New Yorker.
Can't Stop The "Grunge": L-7 back in action.
Morbidity Report: June Fairchild, Gazzarri Dancer, at 68.
Up in the air, junior birdmen: More horse pucky from above from the unnecessary third arm of the armed forces.
Marcy Wheeler hates America, as every
Friday, February 20, 2015
Today In Bizarre Delusions
M. Bouffant
Drooling literal paranoid Sher Zieve has gotten the message that swarthy Catholics & evangelicals from south of the border are no longer sufficient to frighten the American masses, so immigration reform must be conflated w/ swarthy Islam & TERROR!! (Entire item sic, by the way.)
Do your own research, but "Obama is destroying the USA and replacing its legal citizens with Muslims and other illegals, in order to create a new country of his making.." certainly falls in the "no one is who they seem, they've all been replaced by robots" category of troubles under the hair-helmet.
1,000 words worth:Don't worry you old bat, your Lord will be coming soon.Tragically and with full malice aforethought, the beauty, simplicity and essential to thought subject of Logic is no longer taught in the US Public school system. As a note, little else that matters is now taught either. It was taught when I attended school. For the purposes of this column, I will deal with two forms of logic, as defined by the current 0n-line Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “a particular mode of reasoning viewed as valid or faulty” and “interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable.” I hope that these will assist those people who still cannot—according to their own words seem to fathom why Barack Hussein Obama does what he does and says what he says. Note: Too many of these (many high profile) and, ostensibly, Conservative individuals seem to be extremely well-educated but–due to their statements of incredulity over Obama’s actions or lack thereof–are quite apparently lacking the power of even the most basic practice of logical reasoning. That leaves us with Occam’s Razor or “the solution amongst competing hypotheses with the fewest assumptions [the one that possesses the most facts] should be selected.” Obama is destroying the USA and replacing its legal citizens with Muslims and other illegals, in order to create a new country of his making.. Logic requires rational reasoned thought…not emotion and false premises. Thus…I shall attempt to explain it to them for yet one more time. The rest of you—Conservatives specifically–understand perfectly well what’s going on.
Obama Syndicate: Christians are responsible for Islamic Violence and their own deaths!
Although they haven’t said it–outright–yet, the Obama syndicate members seem poised to soon say that Christians are actually responsible for their own beheadings and burning of the adults and children..many of them infants. Obama recently said that Christians have done horrible things, too. But—and it’s a big one—he had to go back to the over-a-thousand-years-ago Crusades to make his case. The Crusades were in effect because barbaric and enslaving Islam had taken over Spain and other regions in Europe. In a nutshell, Islam hordes conquered and took Christendom lands, enslaved the people and stole their Holy sites. The Christians fought Islam to get them back. Christianity won. In Obama’s book “Audacity of Hope.” he (or possibly Bill Ayers) writes “…I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Due to its atrocities against humanity, the political winds of the world currently seem to be against Islam…yet, Obama seems bent upon backing them all of the way.. In fact, recently, Obama held two “private” meetings with Muslim Brotherhood members. Please remember that the Brotherhood is the parent of most of the terrorist groups currently on our planet. A handful–hundreds of example are available–of indicators that Obama stands with and actually fully supports “radical” Islam are as follow:1. Obama still refuses to use the word Islam when speaking about Islamic terrorists
2. Obama has had “secret” meetings (only recently disclosed) at the White House with the Muslim Brotherhood members in the last month
3. Obama is working with radical Islamic ICNA in its just concluded 3-day “summit” on terrorism
4. The Center for Immigration Studies advised that Obama imported 300,000 Muslims into the USA in 2013 and at least 70,000 Muslims in 2014
5. In 2015, Obama ordered the US State Department to overload the immigration system in order to bring thousands of Jihadis into the USA as well as tens of thousands of more Muslims. One way or the other, Obama is determined to turn what was once the USA into an Islamic country
6. Every time ISIS or another Islamic terrorist group commits another beheading, live human burning, disembowelment of organs for sale (this is one of the new practices), Obama makes excuses for them. At a press conference 19 February 2015, Obama said that the terrorists “may have legitimate grievances.” WHAT?Everything Obama and the Islamo-Nazi new world order is now doing is designed to implement the “Final Solution” for the USA…that of the North American Caliphate which Obama plans to head. President Ronald Reagan’s “America a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere” will be destroyed and extinguished at last. As it is, the flicker of my home country is very dim now, indeed. As I’ve written before, my ancestral family members built the United States of America from the ground up and I have been witnessing its dismantling. Although I view Barack Hussein Obama as a loathsome creature, even more offensive are those who refused to lift a hand to stop him and those who affected the pretense of being of, for and by the people but, who willingly betrayed their fellow humans for the promise of power in this planned New Dark World and a few pieces of silver. And, to them, I say whether you choose to believe it or not truth is truth and our Creator God is watching. Even so, Lord, come soon…
“Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand”–Daniel 12: 10
Do your own research, but "Obama is destroying the USA and replacing its legal citizens with Muslims and other illegals, in order to create a new country of his making.." certainly falls in the "no one is who they seem, they've all been replaced by robots" category of troubles under the hair-helmet.
One Way Gang Sign!
M. Bouffant
Am I the only one left who remembers this Jesus junk,
No, not the only one who remembers.
Enthusiastic 'Jesus marchers' gathered in Wellington in March 1972. Several of them are holding up one finger to signify their belief that Jesus is the 'one way' to God. The marches were held all around New Zealand during 1972, partly in protest against perceived sexual permissiveness in society.or did I just miss all the references thereto following this widely-circulated load:
Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign
By F. W. BurleighIs President Obama a Muslim? A lot has been written about this, but if photographs speak louder than words, then a photo taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. might shed considerable light.
It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing the one-finger affirmation of Islamic faith to dozens of African delegates.
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Barack Hussein Obama flashes the Muslim shahada to delegates of the US-African Leaders Conference in Washington DC in August 2014. |
There is nothing in Obama’s head that is American. He is an antithetical American, a polar opposite of its values that he is routinely undermining. He is an unabashed member of the transtribal supertribe that Muhammad created 1,400 years ago; he is of the umma, not of America. His finger in the air at the African Leaders’ Conference is unambiguous evidence.See? Rudy Giuliani & Piyush "Bobby" Jindal were right! Also Dinesh D'Souza & Newt Gingrich. And half the loud-mouthed drunken losers on barstools across This Great Nation Of OURS!™
And it is evidence that you have been had America. God, have you ever been had.
Raider Nation Report
M. Bouffant
Still nagonna happen, but the faithful were out.
Lots of Raiders fans and Teamsters at this NFL stadium press conference in Carson. An interesting combination.— Ben Bergman (@thebenbergman) February 20, 2015
What the hell's that mean?Raiders fans have shown up at the Carson press conference, chanting, "Bring them back!"— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) February 20, 2015
After Things Fall Apart
M. Bouffant
Secede & nullify, we'll be getting refreshments from the snack bar to consume during the schadenfreude fest of gullible cretins "resorting to taking care of themselves" in their sod huts on the prairie.Former Republican presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul says secession is happening and it’s “good news.” Paul later predicted the states would stop listening to federal laws.
“I would like to start off by talking about the subject and the subject is secession and, uh, nullification, the breaking up of government, and the good news is it’s gonna happen. It’s happening,” Paul, the father of potential Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul, told a gathering at the libertarian Mises Institute in late January. The event Paul was speaking at was titled “Breaking Away: The Case for Secession.”
Paul said secession would not be legislated by Congress, but would be de facto, predicting “when conditions break down…there’s gonna be an alternative.”
“And it’s not gonna be because there will be enough people in the U.S. Congress to legislate it. It won’t happen. It will be de facto. You know, you’ll have a gold standard when the paper standard fails, and we’re getting awfully close to that. And people will have to resort to taking care of themselves. So when conditions break down, you know, there’s gonna be an alternative. And I think that’s what we’re witnessing.”
Wouldn't you love to know just how much gold is in the Pauls' proverbial portfolios? Assuming they have any investments at all, & don't just live on donations, PACs, fan clubs, wealthy widows & the like, televangelist-style. Be pretty damn funny if all their ill-gotten but unspent grift was in something safe like United Snakes Treasury Bills.
One Way To Obtain Blood From A
(Humanoid) Turnip
M. Bouffant
Update: Madison, Wis., police say firearm accidentally misfired at blood bank; 1 person was hit in foot - @nbc15_madison
Friday, February 20, 2015
MADISON, Wis. -- Madison College is on lock down as police investigate reports of a shooting in the east side of Madison.
The call was on Anderson St. at the Interstate Blood and Plasma.
A witness tells us someone was in the bathroom at Interstate Blood & Plasma when a gun went off and went through the wall and hit a worker in the foot. The witness says it appeared to be an accidental misfire, but the person with the gun took off running.
NBC 15 News has crews at the scene and will update the story as we get more information.
"Accidental discharge". Hee hee hee.UPDATE: MPD says shooting was accidental discharge
(Grammar Nazi asks: "Accidentally misfired"; double negative, or merely redundant?)
The Enemy's Within! (Or, Why Should Fascists Have All The Fun?)
M. Bouffant
Nothing to see here, I'm merely an un-armed lefty anarcho-pacifist filled w/ love for his fellow humanoids; look at the drooling racist ignoramuses over there! They're dangerous, I'm a fucking pussycat!
OFF THE PIGS!! Right, PJ Tatler?
Pee Fucking Ess.
Typical reaction:Some federal and local law enforcement groups view the domestic terror threat from sovereign citizen groups as equal to -- and in some cases greater than -- the threat from foreign Islamic terror groups, such as ISIS, that garner more public attention.
The Homeland Security report, produced in coordination with the FBI, counts 24 violent sovereign citizen-related attacks across the U.S. since 2010.
Nice. An admission that they are all radical & reactionary extremists. And that hating dirty foreign Islamo-terrorists is all that matters, not dealing w/ actual threats, to wit:Obama Administration Finally Finds ‘Terrorists’ It Can Hate — You
If this is the best the useless Department of Homeland Security can come up with, we're in even more trouble than we know
At last we see how Obama has been infringing on America's personal freedoms for six yrs. now: Traffic stops!The government says these are extremists who believe that they can ignore laws and that their individual rights are under attack in routine daily instances such as a traffic stop or being required to obey a court order.
OFF THE PIGS!! Right, PJ Tatler?
Pee Fucking Ess.
Enough Already!
M. Bouffant
Big change in plans (which were to sit on my ass & threaten people via the iNternet all day): I'm going to SyriaNew York City to join ISIS/ISIL & kill ChristiansRudy Giuliani, because he wasn't raised up right like the rest of us!
Also: Total scam artist/filthy whore. Die you fucking pig!!
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Quite the judge of character, isn't he? |
No hypocrites shall live! Get Kerik too!Ask Regina Peruggi, the second cousin he grew up with and married, who was "offended" when Rudy later engineered an annulment from the priest who was his best man on the grounds, strangely enough, that she was his cousin. Or ask Donna Hanover, the mother of his two children, who found out he wanted a separation when he left Gracie Mansion one morning and announced it at a televised press conference.
Or ask Judi Nathan, his third wife, whom he started dating while still married to Hanover and New York mayor. In two SUVs, he and an entourage of six or seven cops traveled 11 times to Judi's Hamptons getaway at a taxpayer cost of $3,000 a trip. That's love.
Rudy knows so much about love that he declared the other day that President Obama "doesn't love you" and "doesn't love me" at a private party of GOP fat cats.
The onetime presidential candidate also revealed at the party that Obama "doesn't love America," an echo of a speech he'd delivered to delirious cheers in Arizona a week earlier when he declared: "I would go anywhere, any place, anytime, and I wouldn't give a damn what the President of the United States said, to defend my country. That's a patriot. That's a man who loves his people. That's a man who fights for his people. Unlike our President."
Rudy may have forgotten the half-dozen deferments he won ducking the Vietnam War, even getting the federal judge he was clerking for to write a letter creating a special exemption for him. And remember Bernie Kerik? He's the Giuliani police commissioner, business partner and sidekick whose nomination as homeland security secretary narrowly preceded indictments. He then did his national service in prison.
Also: Total scam artist/filthy whore. Die you fucking pig!!
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