Monday, August 4, 2014

Today In Deep South Crackers

Full disclosure: This reporter is of recent European descent, & I ab-so-fuggin'-lutely hate everybody everywhere, so the Democratic Party may be right, just as Alabam Congressman Mo says. Listen & weep. Or read & perform whatever bodily function you want.
“This is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party. And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else,” he said during an interview Monday with conservative radio host Laura Ingraham. "It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things. Well that’s not true.”
In other cracker news, the pride of Mississippi & his troops did their usual half-assed job of paying any attention to what they say &/or mean by letting the first draft of their press release bitching about "black Democrats" voting for Cochran get out.
So against their initial impulses, the McDaniel campaign decided against explicitly racializing their complaint—after all, conservatives are color-blind, right?—but managed to scratch the same itch in the same press release by whining about “race-baiting radio ads” allegedly run by Thad Cochran’s campaign.

Here’s where the same pretzel-logic deployed by Mo Brooks comes in: Cochran’s campaign noted a number of McDaniel positions and associations (hardly a secret) that were highly offensive to most African-American voters, and that means “race-baiting,” because the only “authentic” way to appeal to African-Americans is on the basis of conservative ideology, even if it’s highly offensive to most African-American voters.
Freedom Summer, 50 yrs. later. And may Gawd bless America.

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