Monday, April 7, 2014

Neanderthal Fucking: It's A Good Thing!

Science beginning to see why reactionaries & feudalists can't be convinced or persuaded of the simple & obvious reality before them: Psychology, & genetics. Yes, nature has made them that way. Repressed & repressing. It's a very depressing look at a shameful part of this rancid species I hope I'm not one of. (I could be a real damn mutant. I want to be a mutant; nothing could make me happier than plausible deniability about any alleged human-ness in my genome.)

Point of discussion: Is this enough evidence to start killing them now, or must we wait for further proof? I'm ready to go, 'cause I b'leeve my time ain't long. Not long enough to strangle every idiot, that's for sure.

Also, who has the majority? And what does that prove? (Not much, as democracy is the last thing feudalist reactionaries want.)

Meta Notes: typed 3 Iv-/14. may/not return & polish, tho why bother otherwise what's the next date w/o a scheduled item


Weird Dave said...

We're all mutants.

Just not enough.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Weird Dave, We're all people!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

When the Big One drops, you can be king of the ruins.

Hail to the king, baby!

M. Bouffant said...

Oooopss!! Ed.:
Y'know, if the editorial we didn't have to go over the hunt & peck typos of raw notes & drafts to make them comprehensible (which ends in typing whole sentences yada) I might only leave vague(r than usual) thoughts & the link that inspired them.

We're all mutants.
Mutated for normal, dull & accepting.

Weird Dave said...

Mutated for normal, dull & accepting.

Yeah, well, wadaya expect?