Monday, April 7, 2014

Google+: What Is It Good For?

The NYT sez the better to see you, dearie, wolf in granny's nightgown style. Indeed, g+:
is central to Google’s future — a lens that allows the company to peer more broadly into people’s digital life, and to gather an ever-richer trove of the personal information that advertisers covet. Some analysts even say that Google understands more about people’s social activity than Facebook does.
And where could one find this sort of thing w/o it?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


mikey said...

Nobody honestly gives a shit about any of that. Is Facebook more or less evil than Google? Who fucking cares.

The problem is simply the 'network effect'. Everybody's already on Facebook, with all their relationships and all their interactions solidly established. Nobody sees any need to re-create those networks elsewhere. So G+ is at a disadvanage, they'd be doomed but they have unlimited funding. And eventually, that process could flip. But right now, nobody needs another social network platform. We're living on one, and it seems to be working...

Weird Dave said...

We're living on one, and it seems to be working...

Speak for yourself, sir.