Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My Patience Thins, My Anger Rises

Have the pindicked gun-waving insurrectionist cheats in Nevada been killed like the rabid dogs they are, their land salted & a massive barbecue held w/ the leech cattle for the working classes who are cheated daily by their employers? No? Then I'm not moving from this spot until all that happens!

What's the fucking delay?

Any & all media figures who aided & abetted the low-life criminal poseurs should be rounded up & imprisoned in a nice little camp where they will be educated into comprehension of the real world & the Constitution. LAW & ORDER, BITCHES!!!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Have the pindicked gun-waving insurrectionist cheats in Nevada been killed like the rabid dogs they are, their land salted & a massive barbecue held w/ the leech cattle for the working classes who are cheated daily by their employers? No?

No. They're not lefties, so no.

(I await with eager anticipation my next denunciation as an "emo-proggie" and "ideological purist" for not humping Black Nixon-Reagan's leg the way the Tboggers think I ought to.)

Weird Dave said...

Well, you're not going to get a denunciation from me (uh, unless I'm just helping to give you your daily ration).

Emo-proggie? Really? I would've laughed.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's a real thing, you see.

A real stupid thing, for sure.