Thursday, April 10, 2014

Military-Industrial-Corporate-Congressional Complex

In an interview with TIME, Jimmy Carter took a shot at Hillary Clinton and her tenure as the nation's top diplomat.

Said Carter: "I know from experience that the best way to have the United States be a mediator is for the President himself to be deeply involved. In this occasion, when Secretary Clinton was Secretary of State, she took very little action to bring about peace."
Hillary Clinton wanted a war
'cause Hillary Clinton is a corporate whore!
Resting the case: Literally just as we completed this load of garbage we heard that someone heaved a shoe at her, Bush-style, essentially because they are the same fucking person. Mme. Clanton [sic] was representing her crime family in Las Vegas. (Giving speeches for more money per speech than most Americans are paid in a fucking yr. beats blowing campaign contributors in the Lincoln bedroom, huh Hil? Or was that Nancy, the Reagan woman? Whoever.)
Hillary Clinton's rousing speech for the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries meeting in Las Vegas on Thursday was interrupted when a woman in the audience threw, to use the AP's strange phrasing, "what she described as" a shoe at the former Secretary of State. The, uh, "object" thrower was taken into custody following the incident.
"Scrap Recycling Industries:" Tweakers who steal copper wire & the same Mafia infestation that's in the waste hauling industry, right? Corrupt, criminal & corporate, just as your betters like it.

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