Let me make one thing perfectly clear: This reporter receives a Federally-funded housing "subsidy" to the tune of hundreds of dollars a mo. (This keeps me from having to relieve myself in your front yards, behind your businesses, or in the parks where I'd be sleeping, so pay those taxes.) w/o any appreciable decrease in my freedom of typing, as readers may have noticed.
Nor have I aborted my (or anyone's) "young children." Don't even have a porch to sit on. Or a "family life," but that's no loss at all.
The Rest of The Story (You got me here, Bundy!): When I was a young man
I was "put [...] in jail" two or three times (no drunk driving crap either, real crime, like "obstructing the sidewalk" & "curfew violation"); no criminal (Or other?) convictions, however
Better than "slavery?" Well, agonizingly earned disability (even minus US$100.00 or so a mo. for Medicare) is more than take-home the last time I was an indentured wage-slave. You tell me,
Cliven Bundy & friends.
Also plus which too: Hoping someone (Unemployed or not, n.f.w. am
I looking) somewhere, is perusing these
Live From the Bundy Ranch videos for more outrage & shock.
*Don't bother, coppers. No jail can hold me.
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