Monday, April 21, 2014

Open Letter To iNternet Drones Everywhere About Their Stupid Telebision Recaps

Shut the fucking hell up & stop wasting space/electrons w/ recaps of tee vee shows. Jee-sus! Who cares, & why in hell would they?

A clue (GET ONE!!): People who give a shit have seen the program. (Or haven't yet & don't want spoilers.)  People who don't won't waste their time reading about shit they'll never see, & if they are wasting their time, are they really the types of eyeballs you greedy pigs need clicking on your inane site?

Subtle suggestion: If you don't have anything to type, or about which to type, just shut up & go away already. (WEB OF EVIL© being the exception that proves this rule.)


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

That's one thing you'll never get from me.

Now get off my lawn!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Who watches telebision, anywho?