Saturday, April 12, 2014

Fucking Fuck

Fucking iNternet & cable telebision out, non-existent, a ghost from when I woke 'round 1100 until 1445. TimeWarnerCable will be experiencing an "outage" later this evening if I have anything to do therew/, which I won't because why bother?

The predecessors (Century then Adelphia & I'm damn glad they're both deceased) to TimeWarnerCable treated their wage-slaves so poorly that in the 1980s when the Lakers (Remember them? Local NBA team?) were some hot shit & seemingly always in the finals, the cable was guaranteed to go out during the playoffs/finals. Are we due for more of that? It is mere coincidence that the cable was out during Super Bowl XLVIII, & now was out during the 2014 Masters, not that I or any actual human beings give a shit about golf. Or football. OR ANYTHING; GEE-ZIZ WHY WOULD YOU GIVE A SHIT?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


Weird Dave said...

A good day to roll over and go back to sleep.