Sunday, January 22, 2012

Murder At The Zoo

Is this is what Medicare will become, shape up in a mo. or it's check-out time?
The sole hippopotamus at the Los Angeles Zoo was euthanized Friday after being ill with an unknown ailment for a month and not responding to treatment, zoo officials said.

Zookeepers noticed in December that the 28-year-old hippopotamus, Jabba, had a decreased appetite, abnormal bloating and was not responding to medication, zoo spokesman Jason Jacobs told City News Service. The hippo was under close veterinary care, but his condition rapidly worsened in the last few days.

The zoo's staff made the "difficult decision" to euthanize Jabba, according to a statement released by the zoo.

Jabba had been at the zoo since 2009. Before that, he lived at the San Diego Zoo for several years, where he sired several calves.
Crikey, we've had decreased appetite, been abnormally bloated & haven't responded to medication for yrs. That's no call to send us to the happy hunting ground.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

The euthanasia was performed by a veterinarian wearing a gold "slave girl" bikini.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Beats being fed to the Sarlacc, B^4.

Substance McGravitas said...

Death panels, MB. FEAR THEM.

M. Bouffant said...

Wretched Ed.:

That light at the end of the tunnel is a fiber-optic probe. Keep the Weetabix coming, Canucks!