Tuesday, January 17, 2012

American Dream Report

Headline in one of the S e-rags:

Get used to living with
Mom and Dad

The era of empty nests may be over unless we change our work culture and our economy. An expert explains

We didn't read the item & don't advise you do so either, but apparently mentioning w/o linking is a breach of form.

So, not only will the next generation not "do" as well as their parents, the rapacious Boomers, they'll be not doing as well at home w/ Boomer mom & dad. (Or whatever generation of sheep came after the Boomers. We don't have to keep up.)

We can not emphasize how good a deal being childless & alone is. Imagine your new, adult empty nest again overrun as the brats you spoiled come home to roost.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

George Carlin beat 'em to it...