Monday, January 30, 2012

Professor 2012!

Meanwhile, just under Sullivan's nose at The Daily Beast, perhaps the reason for his crush on Gingrich.
It’s one thing for Newt, who gave his think-tank life a chatty frat aura during his Rose interview, to drink the AEI, Hoover, DPB, Present Danger, Liberation committee, Cheney/Rummy, Centcom, War College, Chalabi Kool-Aid. It’s quite another to take it intravenously in both arms until bloated.

What is most amazing about the national press corps is that we can have 19 debates and not hear a single memorable question about the war that is America’s greatest international debacle since Vietnam, with no moderator even wondering if Newt’s role as at least a junior planner schmoozing away at Centcom and in the AEI home office of its architects, merits questioning. Everyone agreed in 2008 that Hillary’s war vote and Obama’s early opposition helped decide that race; yet Newt’s enlistment in the Cheney/Rummy army that planned and boosted it goes unmentioned (as does Rick Santorum’s vote for it).
Doesn't amaze us in the least in this nation of short memories & chicken-shit assholes. Not in the least.

On the other hand (& this is easy to type, because it won't happen) we'd welcome a Gingrich presidency. Can't think of a better way to reveal the absolute ick that is conservatism & Republicanism to the great American unwashed & unlettered. Sometimes you just have to give a child (or a nation of sheep) a good beating to get the message across, & New Ton Lee Roy Ging Rich is just the man to beat some sense into America.*

Really. Imagine Professor New Ton as Prez. (Being a "professor:" Bad if you are a Negro &/or Democrat, yet somehow great stuff if you're Perfesser Glenn Reynolds or Gingrich. Example:
Gingrich offered an historical endorsement of pre-emptive war, describing it almost as an American habit, and said he was “fairly involved” in the Iraq attack, calling himself “the longest-serving teacher in the military” with “21 years of teaching brigadier and major generals” at the National War College. “I talk to people,” he explained.
We all know people who "talk to people." Said talkers are usually on public transit or in parks delivering deranged monologues to people who wish the talker would just go the fuck away. Imagine four yrs. of that.)
*One should, of course, be wary of one's desires. Bush the Lesser's reign from terror didn't seem to teach the undifferentiated tissue that is America much. We're probably beyond all hope.

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