Friday, January 13, 2012

Just Following Orders

Orders in a long chain.
I invite readers who (a) have similar sentiments, and (b) have their own blogs to write posts with the word “gmail” hyperlinked to this post, in order to see whether we can get a bit of a googlebomb going. If nothing else, it would be an interesting experiment in algorithmic politics. Google claim that they can do nothing to help Santorum wipe himself clean of Santorum. But would they tweak their algorithm if their own product were the target? It would be interesting to see.
So: gmail, gmail, gmail.

Eck-shully, we've no complaints about the new GMail. Hell, we kinda like it, 'cause we can see more of the theme we chose. Nor did we give that much of a shit about the changes to Google Reader, beyond the harder to read redesign, because all that social media & sharing crap is just that, crap. We don't care about you. And by now, the bastards having ground us to dusty nothing, we've gotten used to the crummy new design.

Plus which, the GPhone or whatever it is deal where you can call anywhere in the area code world free from your devil-box is pretty damn sweet.

On the other hand (Is this the third one now?) we don't like trying to access our Picasa or Google Photos or whatever the fuck it is account (They seem to have a tough time identifying their products clearly, don't they?) & being sent to Google+. Walled garden bullshit. Get out there on the real Internet, you sissies!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I never liked old gmail much, either.

M. Bouffant said...


We suspect Google doesn't give a flying fuck what any of us prefer.