Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Dregs

So Rick Perry has been run out of town, leaving the Party of Greed & Fear w/ whom, exactly?

Let's recrap [sic]: Presumptive nominee Willard Mittens Romney, Newton Leroy Gingrich, Rick Santorum (Who has so suddenly & completely dipped below the radar that we're having trouble finding a recent absurd or lying quote from him.) & somebody's grampa who wandered into the hall from the old folks' rookery next door & started talking about how the "niggers" were going to riot for white women & other white property & that touching a "queer" or using his bathroom will give you AIDS.

If any of these four fuckfaces were to be elected to the American Presidency 10 mos. from now, it would confirm our carefully researched thesis that democracy (&, therefore, your entire species) is a huge & pathetic failure & we'd consider ourself perfectly justified in getting out the key & starting the Doomsday Machine.


TruculentandUnreliable said...

You have a key?! I want a key. How do you get a key?

M. Bouffant said...

End Times Editor:

You seem awfully anxious to get your hands on a key. Not absolutely sure that's the right attitude.

And, uh, you haven't, uh, seen the Machine itself lately, have you? It was just over there a while ago.