Friday, January 13, 2012

It Was A Fucking Joke, Nimrod

See? And not that bad a joke.What we find most disturbing is that this took place at a dump in SC (Redundant?) called the Squat 'N' Gobble. (Equally repugnant name for a Frisco restaurant. The kind w/ a website.)

Not even this tired bullshit disturbs us.
“We need to have a president who respects the men and women in uniform from the standpoint of knowing what it's like to wear the uniform,” Perry said, playing up his credentials to this crowd in an area heavily populated with military bases. Ads have been running on local TV in South Carolina emphasizing Perry’s military credentials -- Ron Paul has also run ads here about his military service.
There's a no-religious-litmus-test clause in the Constitution, but (NB, Dr. Ron Paul!) no requirement that a candidate for office have killed any foreign babiesbeen in the service, either. Americans have been so deeply submerged in the national security mindset they can no longer conceive of an unmilitarized society.

Most of those Founders were more than a bit leery of a standing army, weren't they? Funny how that turns into "the only reason for a Federal gummint is dee-fense, & plenty of it" but no other changes in the world outside the Constitutional bubble need be reflected in Federal government.

Here's the visual aid. It's not Mittens & his fudge glove, but we suppose it says something or another about liberal media bias.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry speaks at the Hilton Head Diner in Hilton Head, SC
(AP Photo/David Goldman/13 January 2012)
Almost forgot, also from the local fish-wrap:
said Perry, dressed in khakis and a blue fleece with his name embroidered on it.
Are these fashion notes to legitimize future commenting on eventual/further female candidates & their fashion moves? Reverse sexism? Perhaps an observation that the dark suit, blue shirt, red tie costume is no longer de rigueur (not all the damn time, anyway) for a serious (or even a Republican) presidential contender?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Speaking of which...

M. Bouffant said...

Easily Triggered Editor:

HEY!! No sneaky URLS!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Seemed appropriate somehow...

(Also, I tried posting the original at The War Criminal dice. But the shorter got through.)

M. Bouffant said...

Free Speech Editor:

Do not confuse this establishment w/ The WCP!

Weird Dave said...

"Do not confuse this establishment w/ The WCP!"

Oh, believe me, I won't.

Substance McGravitas said...

There is a method for Rick Perry to work out which clothes are his after a night in the orgytorium.

M. Bouffant said...

Nostalgia Editor:

Just like camp, when "Mom" had to sew a name-tag on all your clothes.

NB: "Rick Perry" & "Orgytorium" in the same sentence can lead to a time-out.